Demonstration project on greenhouse gas emission reduction drawing on the example of Ivje District of Hrodna Region
Demonstration project on greenhouse gas emission reduction drawing on the example of Ivje District of Hrodna Region
Project goal: reduce negative climate effect by promoting eco-friendly technological concepts and management approaches based on the green economy principles, on the regional level.
Project tasks:
1. Procure and operate electric vehicles (2 e-cars) by the Ivje District social services in order to reduce CO2 emissions and for practical demonstration of the benefits of using eco-friendly means of transportation. 2. Carry out thermal rehabilitation of the exterior walls and replace window and door apertures in Ivje Central District Hospital in order to reduce CO2 emissions. 3. Carry out a public awareness-raising campaign on climate change prevention by using eco-friendly means of transportation, including publications in media, issuance of information and printed matter, and its dissemination through the feedback channels of the Ivje District healthcare, ecological and social services. 4. Carry out an analytical survey (a model feasibility study) of the advisability of replacing carbon fuel vehicles with electric vehicles for all social services in the district.
Expected results:
? An introductory and final seminar of the project were carried out in which at least 100 representatives of local communities, authorities, healthcare institutions and non-profit organizations took part. ? Thermal rehabilitation of the exterior walls of the building, as well as replacement of window and door openings in the building of the healthcare institution " Ivje Central District Hospital". The environmental effect of the event is to reduce CO2 emissions by 30 tons. ? The social services of Ivje district are equipped with electric transport (2 electric cars). The environmental effect of the event - reduced CO2 emissions by 15 tons. ? An information campaign was carried out, including publications in the media, the publication of information and printed products and its distribution through communication channels with the local population of the health, environmental and social services system of the population of the Ivy district. At least 50% (14,000 people) of the population in the I?je district received access to information on the economic and environmental benefits and benefits of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. ? An analytical study (a model feasibility study) has been prepared on the feasibility of replacing hydrocarbon fuel transport with electric transport for social local services. The study summarizes and presents an assessment of potential economic and environmental benefits from the use of electric transport to scale up the experience gained in other regions of the republic. The results of the studies are submitted for consideration to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Regional Executive Committees of the Republic of Belarus for replicating the extracted experience throughout the country.
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Project Snapshot

Natural Way Consultancy and Education Institution for Nature Protection
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 49,720.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 342,033.66
Co-Financing in-Kind:
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed

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Project Characteristics and Results
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Tonnes of CO2 decreased or avoided by energy efficient and renewable energy technologies or applying environmentally sustainable transport practices introduced by SGP Project 45
Number of individuals (gender diaggregated) who have benefited* from SGP project 14000

SGP Country office contact

Mr. Yuri Solovjev
+375 17 2995506
+375 17 2995506


room 3, Avangardnaya st. 46,
Minsk, 220037