Management and rehabilitation of the natural resources of Horuo Village
Management and rehabilitation of the natural resources of Horuo Village
The realization of the Independent Food Society of Horuo Village through Sustainable Agricultural Resource Management.

Objective 1
Safeguarded and increased areas of protected forest cover, customary forests, and increased practice of sustainable resource use practices
1. There is agreement on the area protected together in the spring and riverbanks in Horuo village
2. The reliability of the springs and riverbanks of the village of Umala in Horuo
1. Identify springs, land conditions, riverbank conditions, landowners and tree species along the riverbank area.
This activity was carried out with the aim of finding out the location of the spring, the condition of the land, the condition of riverbanks, and the type of tree and identifying land ownership in the area.

2. Coordination with traditional institutions, land owners and village governments.
This coordination was carried out with the aim of explaining the program objectives to customary institutions in this case Barata Kahedupa and land owners related to tree planting plans in the spring and riverbanks.

3. FGD Build understanding with land owners
The purpose of this activity is to obtain an agreement from land owners to participate in tree planting activities in the spring and riverbanks.

4. Village Consultation agreement on planting trees in the springs and riverbanks.
This activity was carried out with the aim of building mutual agreement between the community, the village government, land owners and customary parties for tree planting activities in the spring and riverbanks.

5. Making Local Tree Seeds
The making of the nursery is carried out with the aim of ensuring the availability of local tree seedlings which will later be planted in the springs and riverbanks. These activities are carried out by program implementers in collaboration with local community groups.

6. Planting 2750 local tree seeds
This activity aims to provide tree seeds ready for planting which will later be planted in the springs and riverbanks

7. Planting 2500 local trees in the springs and riverbanks
The purpose of this activity is to rehabilitate the condition of springs and riverbanks, preserve local trees and maintain the condition of the land guaranteeing the availability of water. Because of the current conditions, many people are clearing land in riverbanks and springs that actually cause landslides and increased sediment in the area. Indirectly planting trees in springs and riverbanks is a step to ensure the existence of forests.

8. Tree Maintenance
This activity is carried out so that tree seedlings can grow well. These activities include land clearing, replacing dead tree seeds and watering trees.

9. Encourage village rules regarding forest protection in spring areas and riverbanks
This activity aims to encourage the birth of mutually agreed rules regarding the protection of spring areas and riverbanks between communities, village governments and traditional institutions

10. Training in making Firewood Saving Furnaces
11. This activity aims to train Horuo village community members in making energy-efficient stoves. This activity is one step to reduce community intervention in timber harvesting for household needs
Objective 2
Increased community food security through better and more sustainable agricultural activities
1. Guaranteed sustainability of local food crops in Horuo Village

2. There is a transfer of knowledge about the cultivation and processing of tubers to the younger generation in Umala village, Horuo village

3. There is a 30% increase in local crop production through environmentally friendly plant-based agricultural practices and appropriate agricultural technology.
4. There is a diversification of products made from local food (sago) to increase interest in consumption and economic value for the community

5. There is a 15m x 10m eco-friendly farm demonstration plot in Horuo village
1. Identification and documentation of main types of cultivation and local food crops (tubers and corn and their use).
To find out the types of local plants cultivated by the people of Horuo Village, the program implementation team will identify and document the types of local plants and their utilization.

2. Compilation of simple modules about the types, methods of management and cultivation of local plants and the technology used by the Horuo villagers in agriculture.
As one of the steps to transfer knowledge to the young generation of Desa Desa, then the results of identification and documentation of local food crops and processing techniques will be contained in a simple module as a simple guide that can be used as learning material about gen
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Project Snapshot

Lembaga Toudani
Area Of Work:
Land Degradation
Grant Amount:
US$ 15,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 16,060.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed

SGP Country office contact

Ms. Catharina Dwihastarini
(62-21) 720-6125/722-0905
(62-21) 722-0905
Ms. Hery Budiarto


JL. Bacang II No.8, Kramat Pela Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan, 12130

Country Website