Plastic Free Armenia Behavioral Change and Awareness Raising Campaign
Plastic Free Armenia Behavioral Change and Awareness Raising Campaign
Trees with many plastic bags stuck in the branches and rivers full of plastic waste is a view one can experience traveling through Armenia. According to UNDP over the past 20 years, we have generated and accumulated nearly 100.000 tons of plastic litter in Armenia. The issue of plastic pollution has become even more concerning due to the following factors:
- Plastic bags are relatively cheap or even free in some supermarkets,
- People are not well informed of the consequences of plastic pollution and do not have a clear picture of the problem.
Efforts of the current Government of RA in introducing environmental tax regulations to plastic bags will greatly contribute to making them less affordable and therefore less attractive. However, only regulating the issue is not enough. It is of huge importance to incorporate behavioral interventions to motivate and nudge people towards giving up plastic voluntarily.
The proposed project offers behavioral change initiatives through awareness-raising campaigns, reward mechanisms and behavioral experiments aiming to replace single-use plastic bags with reusable ones. In addition, it will greatly contribute to the overall objective of developing a policy framework and educating conscious citizens who are well aware of plastic pollution consequences and motivated to act adequately.
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Project Snapshot

My Step Charitable Foundation
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 50,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 43,300.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 24,450.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
During the project, 6000 consumers of Tsiran Supermarket (official project partner) will be provided with material tote bags and offered different incentives such as cash bonuses on their loyalty cards and/or special gifts if they replace single-use plastic bags with material ones. For this, the Supermarket has allocated a budget of around $15,000 for the duration of the experiment and expressed readiness to increase it for further phases of the project. By replacing single-use plastic with reusable material bags the consumers will save minimum AMD7200-9000 ($14.75?18.5) annually with current prices of plastic bags in the market . If the changes offered by the current Government of Armenia related to the reduction of volume of single-use plastic in the country will come into effect, particularly adding environmental tax to the price of the plastic bags (from current 10 AMD the price will be increased into100 AMD) starting from July 2019, the amount of savings calculated above will grow 10 times.
Replication of project activities
In addition to the bags and some printed materials to be produced and printed within the frames of the project PSAs (public service announcement) will be created and presented on all official pages of My Step Foundation and project partners, during thematic events and on billboards in Yerevan, among children and youngsters in schools, and everywhere possible to raise awareness about the harmful impact of single-use plastic bags.
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Number of individuals (gender diaggregated) who have benefited* from SGP project 10000
Number of innovations or new technologies developed / applied 1


UN RC Office

SGP Country office contact

Ms. Svetlana Harutyunyan
+374 60 530000+117
Ms. Marine Sargsyan
+374 60 530000+187


14 Adamyan St.
Yerevan, 0010

Country Website