Leqavoa - Leqaloki Beach Front Rehabilitation Project
The concerned community wants to address the effect of sea level rise due to climate change by building a sea wall. The rising of the sea level erodes the beach front of the villages at Lambi bay and further decreases the shoreline at a speedy rate. Therefore, the aim and objectives of the project is to address the immediate effects of the climate change on the coastlines and to assist the people to maintain their environment, especially their shorelines.
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Project Snapshot
Legavoa Legaloki Community Association Trust Board
Solomon islands
Area Of Work:
Community Based Adaptation
Grant Amount:
US$ 2,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
SGP Country office contact
Mr. Lorraine Bambu
Mr. Teiba Mamu
Joint Presence of UNDP, UNFPA & UNICEF, ANZ House Prince Philip Highway Ranadi.P.O.box 1954
Honiara, Pacific
Honiara, Pacific
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