Developing Agroforestry Feeding Apes Demonstration Plots, Overgrown with Sorghum and Cotton
Developing Agroforestry Feeding Apes Demonstration Plots, Overgrown with Sorghum and Cotton
Program Title:
Improvement of land functions through a silvopastoral system that supports community livestock as a source of livelihood and energy, as well as the creation of a learning center for the community in Nusa Penida
Program Locations: Klumpu Village, Sakti Village, and Kutampi Atas Village, Nusa Penida
Duration: 12 months
Period: 1 May 2019 - 15 June 2020

Increasing the carrying capacity of land through silvopastoral to support the economy and an information center for the community related to ecologic programs at NuSa Penida

Objective 1:
Improvement of community livestock quality and silvopastoral development
1. Increased understanding of group members involved in silvopastoral development
2. The availability of animal feed in the dry season is guaranteed
1. Program socialization to related parties and recruitment of potential members
2. Determination of animal feed demonstration plots in each village (Kutampi Atas Village, Klumpu Village and Sakti Village)
3. Training for breeding, seeding and planting of animal feed
4. Training on how to harvest animal feed, store, feed and clean pens
5. Training to measure the impact of feeding on cattle through measurements of livestock height, body circumference and body length
6. Training on making additional feed from locally available ingredients
Objective 2:
Assistance for cattle using the cadasan system (production sharing) and the manufacture of biogas
1. There is livestock assistance for group members who are serious about the ringworm system
2. Making biogas for environmentally friendly energy is implemented in the training center
- Identification of livestock and biogas beneficiaries according to the specified criteria
- Submission of cows to farmers / breeders who meet the criteria
- Biogas development as a pilot program
Objective 3:
Strengthening institutions, learning media and establishing a training center
3. There is a place for all parties to continue the Nusa Penida eco logic activities
4. The sustainability of Nusa Penida's eco-logic actions for the future
5. Increased capacity of local communities and assistants to continue working in Nusa Penida
6. The existence of learning media as a reference for the community in continuing the understanding that has been obtained
1. Planning the location of the training center and the involvement of several community components
2. Construction of a training center containing practical examples of eco-logic
3. Institutional strengthening and financial training
4. Making booklets and posters to be distributed to each village
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Project Snapshot

Wisanggeni 91
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 25,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 25,105.30
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
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SGP Country office contact

Ms. Catharina Dwihastarini
(62-21) 720-6125/722-0905
(62-21) 722-0905
Ms. Hery Budiarto


JL. Bacang II No.8, Kramat Pela Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan, 12130

Country Website