Elaboration of Public and Government Knowledge on Community Management Conservation through Strengthening Indonesia's ICCAs Information System
Manage ICCAs data and information in support of ICCAs recognition and protection advocacy in Indonesia.
Objective 1:
Updated data and information on ICCAs on the Tanahkita platform
1. The Tanahkita.ID and iccas.or.id platforms can be integrated and accessed by the public
2. ICCAs and other thematic data are updated regularly
1. Management of the system (security and hosting) Tanahkita.ID and Iccas.or.id
2. Collection, processing and updating of data and thematic maps.
3. FGD monitoring and evaluation of the system and the Tanahkita content.
Objective 2:
Increased public and government understanding of ICCAs.
1. Loading ICCAs issues in social media, national and local mainstream media.
2. Discussion of the issue of ICCAs within the framework of the policies and programs of the government and related institutions.
3. ICCAs publication material; articles, press releases, presentation materials, or other materials.
1. FGD and dialogue with the parties in strengthening the ICCAs database and information in Indonesia.
2. FGD or conservation seminar by the people.
3. Writing ICCAs publication media materials.
Manage ICCAs data and information in support of ICCAs recognition and protection advocacy in Indonesia.
Objective 1:
Updated data and information on ICCAs on the Tanahkita platform
1. The Tanahkita.ID and iccas.or.id platforms can be integrated and accessed by the public
2. ICCAs and other thematic data are updated regularly
1. Management of the system (security and hosting) Tanahkita.ID and Iccas.or.id
2. Collection, processing and updating of data and thematic maps.
3. FGD monitoring and evaluation of the system and the Tanahkita content.
Objective 2:
Increased public and government understanding of ICCAs.
1. Loading ICCAs issues in social media, national and local mainstream media.
2. Discussion of the issue of ICCAs within the framework of the policies and programs of the government and related institutions.
3. ICCAs publication material; articles, press releases, presentation materials, or other materials.
1. FGD and dialogue with the parties in strengthening the ICCAs database and information in Indonesia.
2. FGD or conservation seminar by the people.
3. Writing ICCAs publication media materials.
Project Snapshot
Kelompok Kerja Tanahkita.id
Area Of Work:
Operational Phase:
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Grant Amount:
US$ 30,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 31,785.00
Project Number:
Start Date:
End Date:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Project Results
Describe to what extent the objectives of the Agreement were accomplished:
1. System management (security and hosting) Tanahkita.ID and Iccas.or.id
The newest website from iccas.or.id was launched in July 2020. Initially the launching of the latest website will be carried out at the workshop "Towards Recognition of Customary Areas and Community Contribution for Conservation and Post 2020 Development" in Ende, NTT in a series of activities of the AMAN National Working Meeting. However, due to the cancellation of activities caused by the outbreak of the Covid 19 Pandemic, finally the WGII ??workshop and the latest portal launching agenda were canceled. Currently the iccas.or.id website can be accessed through a work system and a new interface has also been integrated directly with the Tanahkita.id website. However, it is still in the process of repairing and refreshing the content that needs to be uploaded and updated based on data updates and the latest news.
Furthermore, related to the Tanahkita.id portal, until now it is still accessible to the public and parties and recently updated maintenance and hosting cooperation with website developers until 2021. Based on the Tanahkita.id public viewers report from March 2020 to September 2020 there are 31,452 visitors and 63,085 times access to the Tanahkita.id portal. In addition, the process of repairing systems and servers as well as inputting other thematic data is still routinely carried out on a weekly and monthly basis, as well as inviting other thematic map contributors from CSOs and related parties.
2. Collecting, processing and updating of data and thematic maps.
Every month the Tanahkita.id Working Group continues to update the ICCA thematic map data, management areas and conflict data.
In detail, this is done through the following activities:
1) Data Collection (Thursday, 5 March 2020 & Tuesday, 10 March 2020)
Data collection continues to be carried out together with supporting institutions. The data collected came from SLPP South Sulawesi, SLPP Riau, SLPP NTT, Agrarian Resource Center (ARC), and WGII. Until now, only spatial data have been collected from SLPP South Sulawesi in the form of proposals for customary forest management areas, as well as data on Community Management Conservation Areas (AKKM) from WGII.
2) Collection and Input of Conflict Data (Wednesday, 29 April 2020 & 30 April - 17 May 2020)
Additional data collection was obtained from SLPP South Sumatra, namely in the form of conflict data in two places, namely:
1) Pagar Batu Village, Kab. Lahat; conflict between residents and PT. Arta Prigel
2) Medium Village, Kab. Banyuasin: conflict between residents and PT. Various Sustenance Partners
3) Furthermore, there are some additional conflict data obtained from the mass media and focusing on 2019-2020, namely:
4) 2019
5) Kab. Kotawaringin Timur: Conflict between Dayak Tamuan Indigenous Peoples and PT. Sapta Karya Damai
6) Kab. Subang: Conflict between residents and the Megaproject of Patimban International Port
7) Kab. Lamandau: Conflict between the Laman Kinipan Indigenous People and PT. Sawit Mandiri Lestar
8) Kab. Konawe Kepulauan: Conflict between residents and PT. Gema Kreasi Persada
9) Kab. Mentawai Islands: conflict between residents and PT. Energy Mainstay Biomass
10) Kab. East Halmahera: conflict between residents and PT. Dede Gandasuling
11) Kab. Sanggau: conflict between the Dayak Hibun Indigenous People and PT. Mitra Austral Sejahtera
12) Kab. Bangka Belitung: conflict between coastal residents and PT. Lead
13) Kab. Sarolangun: conflict between residents and PT. Agronusa Alam Sejahtera
14) 2020
15) Kab. Kotawaringin Timur: conflict between residents and PT. HMBP (Best Group)
16) Prov. Jambi: conflict between residents in 5 districts (Tanjung Jabung Barat, Tanjung Jabung Timur, Batanghari, Muaro Jambi, Tebo) and PT. Wirakarya Sakti
3) Processing and Data Input (Tuesday, March 17 2020)
The data that has been collected is then reprocessed so that it is easy to input into Tanahkita.id and also for other purposes. Until now, the data that has been reprocessed are the data on proposed customary forests from the South Sulawesi SLPP and indicative and registered AKKM data. Not all data can be inputted to tanahkita.id, because there is an error in the input system, the proposed management area data cannot be stored on the Tanahkita.id portal during the data input process.
Meanwhile, AKKM data can still be entered on the Tanahkita.id portal. The data that is inputted to tanahkita.id is registered AKKM data. The latest AKKM data that came in included:
- Spear of King Dolok Parmonangan, Kab. Simalungun, North Sumatra
- Lake Pambahui, Kab. Pulang Pisau, Central Kalimantan
- Dungus Kibujangga Customary Forest, Kab. Lebak, Banten
- Rima Belaban Ella, Kab. Melawi, West Kalimantan
- Rima Kampung Bunyau, Kab. Melawi, West Kalimantan
- Rima Kampukng Karang Panjang, Kab. Melawi, West Kalimantan
- Rima Kampung Talue, Kab. Melawi, West Kalimantan
- Rima Kampung Boyutn, Kab. Melawi, West Kalimantan
- Pong (Golo Lebo Kaju Wangi), Kab. East Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara
- Pong Meze (Golo Lebo Kaju Wangi), Kab. East Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara
- Pong Sengit (Golo Lebo Kaju Wangi), Kab. East Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara
- Pong Meze (Golo Linus), Kab. East Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara
- Pong Sengit (Golo Munde), Kab. East Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara
- Pong Meze (Golo Munde), Kab. East Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara
- Pong Meze (Kigit), Kab. East Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara
- Pong Sengit (Lawi), Kab. East Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara
- Pong Meze (Lewurla), Kab. East Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara
- Pong Sengit (Teno Mese), Kab. East Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara
- Pong (Ngkiong), Kab. Manggarai Tmur, East Nusa Tenggara
- Petak Himba Tanjung Pusaka, Kab. Pulang Pisau, Central Kalimantan
- Welumetu Ora Mosa, Kab. Ende, East Nusa Tenggara
- Ulu Ae Wolomoni, Kab. Ende, East Nusa Tenggara
- Keli, Kab. Ende, East Nusa Tenggara
Currently, the total incoming AKKM data from WGII ??is 76 areas.
4) Discussion on Tanahkita Update and Follow-up to the Tenure Coalition (Monday, 1 June 2020)
The key points from the discussions held are as follows:
- The legality of the map is displayed on tanahkita.id
- Details of the extent of the conflict need to be double-checked
- It is necessary to hold an FGD to use data which will later be used as material for advocacy and also for improving data (quality)
- It is necessary to determine the key data that must be in our land that will be used for advocacy
5) Constraints / Errors found in Tanahkita.id (as of June 2020)
There are several problems or errors found in tanahkita.id, including:
- The amount of conflict data written on the home page is different from the map page. The homepage is written as 464 conflicts have been inputted, but on the map page there are only 446 conflicts. This also applies to the number of casualties and the total area of ??conflict.
- Cannot input and change (edit) management area data (TORA, PS, Customary Forest). Always fails when saving data that has been entered in the "Add Data" page.
- Unable to input and change (edit) thematic map data (forest area, participatory maps, permits, and peat restoration) These error constraints are then coordinated with the developer to be fixed
6) Coordination meeting of the Tanahkita.id team (JKPP, BRWA and WGII) July 17, 2020, Roofpark Caffe Bogor
- The team discussed the follow-up for the improvement of the Tanahkita.id system with Dinamof and discussed plans for a data input workshop and verification of both spatial and non-spatial data available at Tanahkita.id
- The team also discussed one of the recommendations from the tenure coalition related to Lauching with the local government as a way to promote the Tanahkita.id portal to parties. The team will identify local governments that are in the process of advocating for the recognition of tenure rights to be invited to conduct joint activities by BRWA. So far, South Sulawesi - North Luwu Regency is one of the district options that can be explored.
- Important notes that need to be followed up regarding campaigns and knowledge management
- A special team is needed to manage Tanahkita.id information which can be distributed through social media and other platforms
- This team consists of Campaigner (Managing Content / Substance of Information consistently) and Graphic Designer (Managing Content Display)
- The short-term activities that need to be completed by the secretariat are:
a) Develop a social media feed display design template for Tanahkita.id
b) Creating a weekly / monthly post roadmap
c) Make a social analysis using Tanahkita.id data for certain thematic news, for example disaster maps, the distribution of WA in HGU / permits
7) Tanahkita.id Data Review and Input Workshop (Tuesday-Wednesday, 4-5 August 2020)
- This workshop aims to: 1) Review the status of the completeness of spatial and social data from each of the thematic maps contained in the Tanahkita.id Portal; 2) Entering the available data into the Tanahkita.id portal; 3) Identify the potential for the latest data contribution to the Tanahkita.id portal; 4) Develop a follow-up plan for data improvement and refinement. This workshop was conducted offline while still strictly adhering to the COVID Health protocol. Participants involved include; JKPP team, BRWA, WGII, Sawit Watch. Especially for HuMa, this is done separately and online.
- The target of the Tanahkita.id team by the end of 2020 is to tidy up and enrich data, especially for data on the Manage area, at least the data available in tanahkita.id is the same in number, even richer compared to data from ministries that issue similar data such as KLHK. This workshop resulted in incomplete data identification which was then completed by the team. The results obtained from the Tanahkita.id conflict data review are that there are still a lot of conflict data with incomplete narrative and source. 164 out of 465 (as of 5 August 2020) conflict data had no / incomplete narrative and there were 25 conflict data that were not sourced.
- The Tanahkita.id operator team succeeded in obtaining updated data on people's managed areas from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and other sources, especially for social forestry and updated customary forests, both those that have been recognized as well as proposed and the potential for customary areas. The total data that must be inputted is approximately 3000 data with a total of more than 2.5 million hectares.
8) Management and Data Input of Tanahkita.id (Monday, 10 August 2020)
The data that is managed and inputted to tanahkita.id is the management area in the form of potential, proposals, and realization of Customary Forests (BRWA source) as well as data on proposals and realization of Social Forestry (KLHK webgis source). The following is the amount of data inputted into tanahkita.id:
1. Potential of Customary Forests: 582 data
2. Proposed Customary Forest: 48 data
3. Realization of Customary Forest: 59 data
4. Social Forestry Proposals: 308 data
5. Realization of Social Forestry: 2022 data
The total area of ??the managed area that has been inputted in Tanahkita.id is 11.62 million hectares as of 23 August 2020
9) FGD monitoring and evaluation of the Tanahkita.ID system and content
The Tanahkita.id Maintenance System & Content Monitoring and Evaluation activities were carried out with BRWA, WGII, SLPP, and Dinamof on Monday, April 20, 2020
The key points of the FGD results were as follows:
- Traffic visits to tanahkita.id are displayed for later use for further analysis
- Current conflict data is focused on conflicts in 2019-2020 which will later be used for publications and campaigns for Tanahkita.id
- Create special groups or discussions for the dissemination of Tanahkita.id
10) FGD and dialogue with stakeholders in strengthening the ICCAs database and information in Indonesia.
Discussions about ICCA in government policies were delivered in 2 series of webinars with KSDAE which were held online, namely the first Webinar "Workshop Towards Recognition of Customary Territories and Community Contribution in Conservation and Development Post 2020" in March 2020, and the second Webinar "Voices of IPs for Nature and People ?in July 2020. These two webinars raise the issue of the opportunity for recognition of ICCA and conservation by the community as achievements in the CBD as well as to see opportunities for national policies in recognition of ICCA. Tanahkita.id data itself is used as a reference in showing the potential of ICCA in Indonesia.
Furthermore, the secretariat had previously scheduled a dialogue with the government, especially the Ministry of Environment and Forestry to discuss conflict data, but this activity was canceled because KLHK was intensively resolving the conflict in Kinipan, so the secretariat prepared data first in the form of an infographic which would then be reported to the relevant ministries and agencies.
11) Writing of ICCAs publication media materials.
In the context of disseminating information about the work of Tanahkita.id and WGII. Activities that are carried out regularly are updated on social media, both Instagram @iccas_indonesia, @tanahkita_id and twitter @icca_indonesia, are also supported through social media from other members of the Tanahkita.id working group. Tanahkita.id information dissemination in the form of short information and videos received responses in the form of likes and retweets from readers of updates. In August 2020, the data Tanahkita.id was used by @fraksirakyatindonesia in managing conflict data between Kinipan vs PT SML.
In addition, for publication and research activities, 2 outputs have been achieved, namely:
First, research on the conservation areas of indigenous peoples in collaboration with BRWA and AMAN is still in the process of being developed and enriched in substance, in general the results of this research, especially regarding conditions in Lore Lindu National Park, have been submitted to KSDAE to complete the documents needed in processing the customary forest agenda collaborative management of lore lindu national park.
Second, the secretariat collaborates with HuMa to make a policy brief with the theme of the position of KKMA in Indonesian legislation. This policy brief was prepared to see the position of the KKMA and the opportunities for recognition in existing policies, after several policy changes and a policy change agenda related to tenure.
Third, the Tanahkita.id working team is preparing fact sheets and infographics that provide information on licensing, areas managed by the people and conflicts to be submitted to ministries and institutions.
Descibe the immediate benefits received by the participants and/or the recipient communities:
The short-term benefits obtained by the public / access to the Tanahkita.id portal are the ease in obtaining the latest tenure situation data from various thematic map issues contained in the portal such as conflicts, management areas, permits, and participatory maps. The information obtained from tanahkita.id can be used to convey tenure information for the advocacy needs of indigenous and local community tenure rights.
Describe long term benefits:
The Tanahkita.id portal is expected to be a reference for parties, both communities, CSOs, academics and the government in advocacy processes for recognizing the tenure rights of indigenous and local communities as well as being a reference in spatial and territorial development planning. It is important to use comprehensive information on tenure situations as the basis for government development plans to avoid potential conflicts at the grassroots level.
New Developments and unexpected difficulties/problems:
New Developments and unexpected difficulties during the implementation of the project:
In terms of national advocacy with the government it is still a challenge in itself, there are at least 2 obstacles faced. 1) Until now, the government has not made participatory maps as a reference in the government's development agenda, so extra efforts are needed to disseminate information regarding the existence of thematic maps made by the community so that they can be used as a reference for policy makers in planning development; 2) the government's lack of transparency in disclosing spatial data / maps on various thematic issues such as licensing, HGU, etc. So that many of these data cannot be obtained by the Tanahkita.id working group for later publication on the website. Then, in the context of the Tanahkita.id information system itself, the portal has experienced several error problems such as not being able to input social data, unable to load information in certain menus and other technical constraints such as the process of following up data to data contributors from various parties..
Actions taken to solve them:
Advocacy and intensive communication with the government are continuously carried out and the plan to launch a portal to the regional governments has been scheduled. In the context of the Tanahkita id information system, intensive communication with the developer continues. Regular updates, data consolidation with data contributors to enrich the content of Tanahkita.id are also continuously carried out. In the future, the information campaign plan for Tanahkita, id to the public through social media will continue to be strengthened.
Remarks/lesson learned:
Collaborative work and intensive communication with members of the Tanahkita.id working group have provided significant developments in the process of improving and developing substance in the context of advocacy and campaigning and website operational techniques. So that these aspects need to be strengthened by the Tanahkita.id working group
Describe to what extent the objectives of the Agreement were accomplished:
1. System management (security and hosting) Tanahkita.ID and Iccas.or.id
The newest website from iccas.or.id was launched in July 2020. Initially the launching of the latest website will be carried out at the workshop "Towards Recognition of Customary Areas and Community Contribution for Conservation and Post 2020 Development" in Ende, NTT in a series of activities of the AMAN National Working Meeting. However, due to the cancellation of activities caused by the outbreak of the Covid 19 Pandemic, finally the WGII ??workshop and the latest portal launching agenda were canceled. Currently the iccas.or.id website can be accessed through a work system and a new interface has also been integrated directly with the Tanahkita.id website. However, it is still in the process of repairing and refreshing the content that needs to be uploaded and updated based on data updates and the latest news.
Furthermore, related to the Tanahkita.id portal, until now it is still accessible to the public and parties and recently updated maintenance and hosting cooperation with website developers until 2021. Based on the Tanahkita.id public viewers report from March 2020 to September 2020 there are 31,452 visitors and 63,085 times access to the Tanahkita.id portal. In addition, the process of repairing systems and servers as well as inputting other thematic data is still routinely carried out on a weekly and monthly basis, as well as inviting other thematic map contributors from CSOs and related parties.
2. Collecting, processing and updating of data and thematic maps.
Every month the Tanahkita.id Working Group continues to update the ICCA thematic map data, management areas and conflict data.
In detail, this is done through the following activities:
1) Data Collection (Thursday, 5 March 2020 & Tuesday, 10 March 2020)
Data collection continues to be carried out together with supporting institutions. The data collected came from SLPP South Sulawesi, SLPP Riau, SLPP NTT, Agrarian Resource Center (ARC), and WGII. Until now, only spatial data have been collected from SLPP South Sulawesi in the form of proposals for customary forest management areas, as well as data on Community Management Conservation Areas (AKKM) from WGII.
2) Collection and Input of Conflict Data (Wednesday, 29 April 2020 & 30 April - 17 May 2020)
Additional data collection was obtained from SLPP South Sumatra, namely in the form of conflict data in two places, namely:
1) Pagar Batu Village, Kab. Lahat; conflict between residents and PT. Arta Prigel
2) Medium Village, Kab. Banyuasin: conflict between residents and PT. Various Sustenance Partners
3) Furthermore, there are some additional conflict data obtained from the mass media and focusing on 2019-2020, namely:
4) 2019
5) Kab. Kotawaringin Timur: Conflict between Dayak Tamuan Indigenous Peoples and PT. Sapta Karya Damai
6) Kab. Subang: Conflict between residents and the Megaproject of Patimban International Port
7) Kab. Lamandau: Conflict between the Laman Kinipan Indigenous People and PT. Sawit Mandiri Lestar
8) Kab. Konawe Kepulauan: Conflict between residents and PT. Gema Kreasi Persada
9) Kab. Mentawai Islands: conflict between residents and PT. Energy Mainstay Biomass
10) Kab. East Halmahera: conflict between residents and PT. Dede Gandasuling
11) Kab. Sanggau: conflict between the Dayak Hibun Indigenous People and PT. Mitra Austral Sejahtera
12) Kab. Bangka Belitung: conflict between coastal residents and PT. Lead
13) Kab. Sarolangun: conflict between residents and PT. Agronusa Alam Sejahtera
14) 2020
15) Kab. Kotawaringin Timur: conflict between residents and PT. HMBP (Best Group)
16) Prov. Jambi: conflict between residents in 5 districts (Tanjung Jabung Barat, Tanjung Jabung Timur, Batanghari, Muaro Jambi, Tebo) and PT. Wirakarya Sakti
3) Processing and Data Input (Tuesday, March 17 2020)
The data that has been collected is then reprocessed so that it is easy to input into Tanahkita.id and also for other purposes. Until now, the data that has been reprocessed are the data on proposed customary forests from the South Sulawesi SLPP and indicative and registered AKKM data. Not all data can be inputted to tanahkita.id, because there is an error in the input system, the proposed management area data cannot be stored on the Tanahkita.id portal during the data input process.
Meanwhile, AKKM data can still be entered on the Tanahkita.id portal. The data that is inputted to tanahkita.id is registered AKKM data. The latest AKKM data that came in included:
- Spear of King Dolok Parmonangan, Kab. Simalungun, North Sumatra
- Lake Pambahui, Kab. Pulang Pisau, Central Kalimantan
- Dungus Kibujangga Customary Forest, Kab. Lebak, Banten
- Rima Belaban Ella, Kab. Melawi, West Kalimantan
- Rima Kampung Bunyau, Kab. Melawi, West Kalimantan
- Rima Kampukng Karang Panjang, Kab. Melawi, West Kalimantan
- Rima Kampung Talue, Kab. Melawi, West Kalimantan
- Rima Kampung Boyutn, Kab. Melawi, West Kalimantan
- Pong (Golo Lebo Kaju Wangi), Kab. East Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara
- Pong Meze (Golo Lebo Kaju Wangi), Kab. East Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara
- Pong Sengit (Golo Lebo Kaju Wangi), Kab. East Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara
- Pong Meze (Golo Linus), Kab. East Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara
- Pong Sengit (Golo Munde), Kab. East Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara
- Pong Meze (Golo Munde), Kab. East Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara
- Pong Meze (Kigit), Kab. East Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara
- Pong Sengit (Lawi), Kab. East Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara
- Pong Meze (Lewurla), Kab. East Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara
- Pong Sengit (Teno Mese), Kab. East Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara
- Pong (Ngkiong), Kab. Manggarai Tmur, East Nusa Tenggara
- Petak Himba Tanjung Pusaka, Kab. Pulang Pisau, Central Kalimantan
- Welumetu Ora Mosa, Kab. Ende, East Nusa Tenggara
- Ulu Ae Wolomoni, Kab. Ende, East Nusa Tenggara
- Keli, Kab. Ende, East Nusa Tenggara
Currently, the total incoming AKKM data from WGII ??is 76 areas.
4) Discussion on Tanahkita Update and Follow-up to the Tenure Coalition (Monday, 1 June 2020)
The key points from the discussions held are as follows:
- The legality of the map is displayed on tanahkita.id
- Details of the extent of the conflict need to be double-checked
- It is necessary to hold an FGD to use data which will later be used as material for advocacy and also for improving data (quality)
- It is necessary to determine the key data that must be in our land that will be used for advocacy
5) Constraints / Errors found in Tanahkita.id (as of June 2020)
There are several problems or errors found in tanahkita.id, including:
- The amount of conflict data written on the home page is different from the map page. The homepage is written as 464 conflicts have been inputted, but on the map page there are only 446 conflicts. This also applies to the number of casualties and the total area of ??conflict.
- Cannot input and change (edit) management area data (TORA, PS, Customary Forest). Always fails when saving data that has been entered in the "Add Data" page.
- Unable to input and change (edit) thematic map data (forest area, participatory maps, permits, and peat restoration) These error constraints are then coordinated with the developer to be fixed
6) Coordination meeting of the Tanahkita.id team (JKPP, BRWA and WGII) July 17, 2020, Roofpark Caffe Bogor
- The team discussed the follow-up for the improvement of the Tanahkita.id system with Dinamof and discussed plans for a data input workshop and verification of both spatial and non-spatial data available at Tanahkita.id
- The team also discussed one of the recommendations from the tenure coalition related to Lauching with the local government as a way to promote the Tanahkita.id portal to parties. The team will identify local governments that are in the process of advocating for the recognition of tenure rights to be invited to conduct joint activities by BRWA. So far, South Sulawesi - North Luwu Regency is one of the district options that can be explored.
- Important notes that need to be followed up regarding campaigns and knowledge management
- A special team is needed to manage Tanahkita.id information which can be distributed through social media and other platforms
- This team consists of Campaigner (Managing Content / Substance of Information consistently) and Graphic Designer (Managing Content Display)
- The short-term activities that need to be completed by the secretariat are:
a) Develop a social media feed display design template for Tanahkita.id
b) Creating a weekly / monthly post roadmap
c) Make a social analysis using Tanahkita.id data for certain thematic news, for example disaster maps, the distribution of WA in HGU / permits
7) Tanahkita.id Data Review and Input Workshop (Tuesday-Wednesday, 4-5 August 2020)
- This workshop aims to: 1) Review the status of the completeness of spatial and social data from each of the thematic maps contained in the Tanahkita.id Portal; 2) Entering the available data into the Tanahkita.id portal; 3) Identify the potential for the latest data contribution to the Tanahkita.id portal; 4) Develop a follow-up plan for data improvement and refinement. This workshop was conducted offline while still strictly adhering to the COVID Health protocol. Participants involved include; JKPP team, BRWA, WGII, Sawit Watch. Especially for HuMa, this is done separately and online.
- The target of the Tanahkita.id team by the end of 2020 is to tidy up and enrich data, especially for data on the Manage area, at least the data available in tanahkita.id is the same in number, even richer compared to data from ministries that issue similar data such as KLHK. This workshop resulted in incomplete data identification which was then completed by the team. The results obtained from the Tanahkita.id conflict data review are that there are still a lot of conflict data with incomplete narrative and source. 164 out of 465 (as of 5 August 2020) conflict data had no / incomplete narrative and there were 25 conflict data that were not sourced.
- The Tanahkita.id operator team succeeded in obtaining updated data on people's managed areas from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and other sources, especially for social forestry and updated customary forests, both those that have been recognized as well as proposed and the potential for customary areas. The total data that must be inputted is approximately 3000 data with a total of more than 2.5 million hectares.
8) Management and Data Input of Tanahkita.id (Monday, 10 August 2020)
The data that is managed and inputted to tanahkita.id is the management area in the form of potential, proposals, and realization of Customary Forests (BRWA source) as well as data on proposals and realization of Social Forestry (KLHK webgis source). The following is the amount of data inputted into tanahkita.id:
1. Potential of Customary Forests: 582 data
2. Proposed Customary Forest: 48 data
3. Realization of Customary Forest: 59 data
4. Social Forestry Proposals: 308 data
5. Realization of Social Forestry: 2022 data
The total area of ??the managed area that has been inputted in Tanahkita.id is 11.62 million hectares as of 23 August 2020
9) FGD monitoring and evaluation of the Tanahkita.ID system and content
The Tanahkita.id Maintenance System & Content Monitoring and Evaluation activities were carried out with BRWA, WGII, SLPP, and Dinamof on Monday, April 20, 2020
The key points of the FGD results were as follows:
- Traffic visits to tanahkita.id are displayed for later use for further analysis
- Current conflict data is focused on conflicts in 2019-2020 which will later be used for publications and campaigns for Tanahkita.id
- Create special groups or discussions for the dissemination of Tanahkita.id
10) FGD and dialogue with stakeholders in strengthening the ICCAs database and information in Indonesia.
Discussions about ICCA in government policies were delivered in 2 series of webinars with KSDAE which were held online, namely the first Webinar "Workshop Towards Recognition of Customary Territories and Community Contribution in Conservation and Development Post 2020" in March 2020, and the second Webinar "Voices of IPs for Nature and People ?in July 2020. These two webinars raise the issue of the opportunity for recognition of ICCA and conservation by the community as achievements in the CBD as well as to see opportunities for national policies in recognition of ICCA. Tanahkita.id data itself is used as a reference in showing the potential of ICCA in Indonesia.
Furthermore, the secretariat had previously scheduled a dialogue with the government, especially the Ministry of Environment and Forestry to discuss conflict data, but this activity was canceled because KLHK was intensively resolving the conflict in Kinipan, so the secretariat prepared data first in the form of an infographic which would then be reported to the relevant ministries and agencies.
11) Writing of ICCAs publication media materials.
In the context of disseminating information about the work of Tanahkita.id and WGII. Activities that are carried out regularly are updated on social media, both Instagram @iccas_indonesia, @tanahkita_id and twitter @icca_indonesia, are also supported through social media from other members of the Tanahkita.id working group. Tanahkita.id information dissemination in the form of short information and videos received responses in the form of likes and retweets from readers of updates. In August 2020, the data Tanahkita.id was used by @fraksirakyatindonesia in managing conflict data between Kinipan vs PT SML.
In addition, for publication and research activities, 2 outputs have been achieved, namely:
First, research on the conservation areas of indigenous peoples in collaboration with BRWA and AMAN is still in the process of being developed and enriched in substance, in general the results of this research, especially regarding conditions in Lore Lindu National Park, have been submitted to KSDAE to complete the documents needed in processing the customary forest agenda collaborative management of lore lindu national park.
Second, the secretariat collaborates with HuMa to make a policy brief with the theme of the position of KKMA in Indonesian legislation. This policy brief was prepared to see the position of the KKMA and the opportunities for recognition in existing policies, after several policy changes and a policy change agenda related to tenure.
Third, the Tanahkita.id working team is preparing fact sheets and infographics that provide information on licensing, areas managed by the people and conflicts to be submitted to ministries and institutions.
Descibe the immediate benefits received by the participants and/or the recipient communities:
The short-term benefits obtained by the public / access to the Tanahkita.id portal are the ease in obtaining the latest tenure situation data from various thematic map issues contained in the portal such as conflicts, management areas, permits, and participatory maps. The information obtained from tanahkita.id can be used to convey tenure information for the advocacy needs of indigenous and local community tenure rights.
Describe long term benefits:
The Tanahkita.id portal is expected to be a reference for parties, both communities, CSOs, academics and the government in advocacy processes for recognizing the tenure rights of indigenous and local communities as well as being a reference in spatial and territorial development planning. It is important to use comprehensive information on tenure situations as the basis for government development plans to avoid potential conflicts at the grassroots level.
New Developments and unexpected difficulties/problems:
New Developments and unexpected difficulties during the implementation of the project:
In terms of national advocacy with the government it is still a challenge in itself, there are at least 2 obstacles faced. 1) Until now, the government has not made participatory maps as a reference in the government's development agenda, so extra efforts are needed to disseminate information regarding the existence of thematic maps made by the community so that they can be used as a reference for policy makers in planning development; 2) the government's lack of transparency in disclosing spatial data / maps on various thematic issues such as licensing, HGU, etc. So that many of these data cannot be obtained by the Tanahkita.id working group for later publication on the website. Then, in the context of the Tanahkita.id information system itself, the portal has experienced several error problems such as not being able to input social data, unable to load information in certain menus and other technical constraints such as the process of following up data to data contributors from various parties..
Actions taken to solve them:
Advocacy and intensive communication with the government are continuously carried out and the plan to launch a portal to the regional governments has been scheduled. In the context of the Tanahkita id information system, intensive communication with the developer continues. Regular updates, data consolidation with data contributors to enrich the content of Tanahkita.id are also continuously carried out. In the future, the information campaign plan for Tanahkita, id to the public through social media will continue to be strengthened.
Remarks/lesson learned:
Collaborative work and intensive communication with members of the Tanahkita.id working group have provided significant developments in the process of improving and developing substance in the context of advocacy and campaigning and website operational techniques. So that these aspects need to be strengthened by the Tanahkita.id working group
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