Conserving Lake Bogoria Ecosystem Using Climate Resilient Plant Species
Conserving Lake Bogoria Ecosystem Using Climate Resilient Plant Species
The proposed project is designed to enhance integrated land Use management and agro-biodiversity conservation at Loboi and Sandai by working with farming communities. The key economic activities in the area are; Livestock production, crop production, tourism and charcoal burning all of which depends on natural resources.
As a consequence, there is overstocking leading to over grazing, siltation, community conflicts, unsustainable utilization of water resource, high rate of deforestation, loss of biodiversity, water pollution from agricultural chemicals and high poverty level.
The project proposes to employ various approaches to contribute to agro-biodiversity conservation, environmental and livelihood sustainability of the communities in Loboi and Sandai. The proposed approaches are;
? Building capacity of Beneficiaries on agro-biodiversity conservation by strengthening farmers managed seed system and water/soil health conservation techniques.
? Crop diversification by increasing production of sorghum, millet, cow peas, paw paw, pigeon peas and green grams
? Establishment of 2 community seed banks to increase availability of sorghum, millet, cow peas, paw paw, pigeon peas and green grams adapted in the area
2 Community Seed Banks will be established at 2 Women groups (). The seed banks will serve as a source of seeds for sorghum, millet, cow peas, paw paw, green grams, pigeon peas and other crops grown in the area. Women groups will be sensitized on its operations. From our past interactions with the groups, members confessed of eating the seeds and this will be solved when they store them at the seedbanks. The seedbanks will have a record which will capture the quantity and variety delivered by each seedbanks member. During planting, the seedbanks will first carry out germination testing where 80% will be recommended. This will be guided by Seed Savers Extension Officers. Each farmer will take 90% their seeds from reserve.10% will be left to cater for other seeds requirements in case of crop failure or gapping purposes.
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Project Snapshot

Seed Savers Network Association
Area Of Work:
Land Degradation
Grant Amount:
US$ 29,071.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 28,766.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed

SGP Country office contact

Ms. Nancy Chege
(254-20) 7624473
(254-20) 621076
Ms. Eunice Mwaura


UNDP, P.O. Box 30218
Nairobi, 00100