Integrated Watershed Management at SMNP Landscape to Combat Climate Change
*Note: Originally ETH/SGP/OP6/Y5/STAR/LD/2019/13
The proposed project ?Integrated Watershed Management at SMNP Landscape to Combat Climate Change Effects? will contribute to existing efforts of GEF SGP and Ethiopia in general and Regional government levels to make effective and efficient use of their resources and improve environmental management, climate change adaptation and livelihood enhancement and rehabilitation programme of highly degraded hillsides, farmlands and others, specifically to contribute for success full implementation of the Climate Resilient Green Economy strategy and GTP II pillars. While the focus will be at the regional and woreda levels/Landscape level, the project will also engage at the Federal level to create synergy and coordination as well to mobilize additional supports. In addition, a landscapes approach entails viewing and managing multiple land uses in an integrated manner, considering both the natural environment and the human systems that depend on it. The project will focus on enabling local communities to use, conserve and manage environmental resources including agricultural land, soil, water, grasslands, wetlands, and forests more efficiently and sustainably. Thus, this can help to combat climate change effects in general and reduce climate risk and vulnerability in particular.
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Project Snapshot
Pro-Development Network
Area Of Work:
Land Degradation
Grant Amount:
US$ 49,530.43
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 12,904.00
Project Number:
ETH/SGP/OP5/STAR/LD/2019/13 - recoded
Satisfactorily Completed
SGP Country office contact
Mr. Dejene Biru Kekeba
Ms. Hirut Hussien Musellem
P.O.Box 5580
Addis Ababa, East Africa
Addis Ababa, East Africa
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