01. Erection of 05 separate name boards to introduce the project in 04 sites.
02. Having meetings at temples and schools to create public awareness about the project.
03. Having a ceremonial public opening for canal digging with the participation of Agrarian officer, Irrigation office and other govt. and private authorities in the area.
04. Having a paddy harvesting ceremony with good participation of villagers and government officers.
1. Creating awareness about the NGO and its community members via Surakshi field visits. These visits are enriched with expert advice and guidance from Dr Nishanthi.
2. It is also our duty as the Knowledge Management team to introduce new skills and information to the members at HDFSL which is why we organized events such as,
Workshop on Ecofriendly Business Development
Agricultural Training Program
4 Awareness Campaigns by ECO-V on sustainability
Women?s role in wetlands conservation
We share emails with the rest of the grantees on their achievements
Sharing the information with SLEES for the Whats up news-letter
Updating our KM database and sending site visit reports to GEF/UNDP members so that they can be updated on the work HDFSL does.
Products discovered:
1. Parachutte method introduced by HDFSL uses a very low amount of seed paddy hence cutting on costs
2. Compost manure is prepared from raw materials from outer surroundings.
3. Water canal systems resulted in good water management.
Policy Impact
1. Paddy cultivation procedure implementation through Govi Sanvidanaya coordination mechanism.
2. Each activity must be coordinated with govt. and Pradeshiya Sabha regulations.
Apart from that, endangered and disappearing fauna species especially fish varieties are found in this wetland and some butterfly, bird species and fishing cat species under endangered condition are found here. For the protection of these fauna, community awareness is carried out and they do their best to protect them. Local tree varieties are disappearing from this wetland area due to misuse so tree planting is encouraged and done by HDFSL. Additionally, HDFSL has planned to establish an Ecotourism Resource centre in Panaluwa. Wetland Biodiversity education and research work is to be conducted and environmental education for children, youth and community will be carried out there.
HDFSL?s main focus on developing farming lands and helping famers by investing in them helps to upscale the lives of farmers and improve the quality of land and reduce pollution and erosion levels of the wetlands.
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
1. The income of 102 farmers increased by 80% out of the paddy yield got in 2019 maha season paddy cultivation.
2. (18) Vegetable farmers increased their monthly income by 65% out of selling their vegetable harvest.
3. (11) Self employee?s community members got approximately (Rs6000-Rs10000) monthly income by selling their self-employment products.
The livelihood measures mentioned above were not generated prior to the projects initiation. HDFSL promotes the upbringing of the livelihood of the members in all the project regions. Due to income disparity and scarcity of jobs that most rural community members face, it is important to have projects such as HDFSL to give the community a chance to stand and grow as well. The paddy cultivation and vegetable cultivation (koratu) gives local famers the opportunity to produce and sell crops which results in economically benefiting not only the farmer but the village as a whole.
HDFSL also provides training for Pan weaving, rub weaving and product development and marketing. These employment opportunities have social and economic benefits for females and youth as they can also join in to gain an income and learn to be self-employed when there is a shortage of job opportunities in the market.
Notable Community Participation
HDFSL's main focus on youth is to help them with obtaining helpful means of self-employment. The youth was involved in the following activities.
1. Project planning
2. Base line survey
3. Bio-diversity survey
4. 40% of members of govi sanvidhanaya are youth
5. Youth in-kind participation in water canal digging
6. Paddy cultivation parachute planting
7. Resource center construction activities.
8. Self-employees 30% are youth girls.
Capacity - Building Component
It has been identified that farmers need knowledge on new innovations, technology and efficient agricultural and farming techniques that can be carried out without the use of harmful chemicals and to cut down the costs involved in farming.
We have also noted that community members need proper training on product development, marketing and branding to enhance their small businesses and the quality of life in the relative villages.
Capacity Building Activities
02 Workshops were held for the NGO members to create awareness and build knowledge on accounts keeping and project implementation.
06 meetings were held for farmers to raise awareness on paddy and vegetable cultivation.
01 field visit was scheduled and a training program for 15 farmers was organized at Batalagoda farm and an organic manure training was also held for them at the Makandura farm.
01 field visit was carried out to Kananwila farm by the community farmers.
01 training program was organized in Kandy for 20 farmers on agriculture mechanisms.
04 Workshops on Eco- brick manufacturing at Mattegoda, Kollonnawa and Diyasaru Park were attended
Attending Business Development workshops conducted by Ms Kavindi to gain knowledge on branding, marketing, labeling and packaging.
Significant Participation of Indigenous Peoples
Local language usage: Interior farmer community in Barawa, uses traditional local language in communication that comes directly from the indigenous population. The Barawa community uses traditional beliefs and traditions in their work and farming practices. During paddy harvesting occasions they exhibited their own cultural activities as it is of much importance to them.
Community is closely participating in proposal writing, field visiting and in information gathering work. During the activity implementation stage, farmers, housewives, youth directly participated by giving labour and other support. In invasive species removal, paddy land preparation, ploughing and cultivation a half portion is done by community labour.
Gender Focus
There is a fairly equal Male/Female participation rate in the project activities.
The project is beneficial to women as they are given the chance to be self-employed and bring an income for their families. The project also focuses on enhancing knowledge on manufacturing products such as Pan items, dry food items, homemade sweets etc., this is a potential means of income.
By investing in these farmlands and farmers, the males benefited as they were given training on agriculture and farming, their quality of life is enhanced and helps them increase their harvest and crop generated per year.