Strengthening People's Conservation in the Management of Conservation Areas in Indonesia
Penguatan Pengakuan Konservasi Kelola Masyarakat melalui Penguatan Kapasitas dan Perluasan Database Pendokumentasian ICCA
Objective 1
Penguatan aliansi perpindahan rakyat ditingkat daerah dan nasional melalui perolehan basis data pendokumentasian AKKM
1. Teregistrasi dan terdokumentasi 11 publikasi AKKM baru
2. Meningkatnya kapasitas komunitas pemegang ICCA dan Mitra lokal tentang kebijakan AKKM dan pendokumentasiannya;
3. Teregistrasinya AKKM Ke dalam ICCA Registry Internasional
4. Adanya data ICCA baik spasial, sosial yang terupdate secara rutin di dalam portal WGII, media massa atau media sosial
5. Adanya publikasi kebijakan dan artikel populer yang diterbitkan dalam portal WGII
6. Data yang di rilis WGII, digunakan oleh publik
1. Pendokumentasian wilayah AKKM melalui asistensi lapangan, pendokumentasian langsung atau berdasarkan persetujuan masyarakat atau pendamping
2. Pendampingan perencanaan pengelolaan ICCA di 4 situs (Nusa Penida, Wakatobi, Pulau Semau dan Gorontalo)
3. Pembangunan kembali portal ICCA Indonesia
Objective 2
Penguatan Korservasi Rakyat melalui Advokasi Kebijakan dan Penguatan Jaringan di tingkat daerah dan nasional
1. Terselenggaranya dialog mengenai kebijakan pengakuan AKKM, Peraturan dirjen Pelaksana P.34/2017 tentang Kearifan Lokal dan Pembentukan Badan Kliring;
2. Adanya Peta Indikatif sebaran Potensi ICCAs;
3. Terinvetarisasi sedikitnya 50 AKKM baru;
4. Data ICCA WGII digunakan sebagai salah satu bagian dari pelaporan pemerintah untuk AICHI Target 11;
5. Adanya pengakuan AKKM melalui skema registrasi akkm/ inventarisasi AKKM, perda pegakuan masyarakat adat, hutan adat atau manajemen kolaboratif pengelolaan Kawasan konservasi.
1. FGD penyusunan Perdirjen dan Pembentukan Badan Kliring
2. FGD penyusunan peta indikatif sebaran potensi ICCA
3. FGD Penyiapan data untuk laporan capaian AICHI target 11 tentang OECM
Strengthening Community Management Conservation Recognition through Strengthening Capacity and Expansion of the ICCA Documentation Database
Objective 1
Strengthening alliances of people movements at the regional and national levels through the acquisition of the AKKM documentation database
1. Registered and documented 11 new AKKM publications
2. Increasing the capacity of the ICCA holder community and local partners regarding the AKKM policy and its documentation;
3. Registration of AKKM into the International ICCA Registry
4. The existence of spatial, social, ICCA data that is regularly updated in the WGII ??portal, mass media or social media
5. There are policy publications and popular articles published in the WGII ??portal
6. Data released by WGII ??are used by the public
1. Documenting the AKKM area through field assistance, direct documentation or based on community or companion agreement
2. ICCA management planning assistance at 4 sites (Nusa Penida, Wakatobi, Semau Island and Gorontalo)
3. Rebuilding the ICCA Indonesia portal
Objective 2
Strengthening People's Conservation through Policy Advocacy and Strengthening Networks at the regional and national levels
1. The implementation of dialogue regarding the AKKM recognition policy, Regulation of the Director General of Implementing P.34 / 2017 concerning Local Wisdom and Establishment of Clearing Bodies;
2. There is an Indicative Map of the potential distribution of ICCAs;
3. Inventory of at least 50 new AKKMs;
4. ICCA WGII ??data is used as part of government reporting for AICHI Target 11;
5. Recognition of the AKKM through the Akkm registration / AKKM inventory scheme, local regulations on customary community, customary forest management or collaborative management of conservation areas management.
1. FGD for drafting Perdirjen and the Establishment of Clearing Bodies
2. FGDs for preparing indicative maps of ICCA potential distribution
3. FGD Data preparation for target 11 of AICHI's achievement report on OECM
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Project Snapshot
Badan Registrasi Wilayah Adat
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 45,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 48,714.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
SGP Country office contact
Ms. Catharina Dwihastarini
(62-21) 720-6125/722-0905
(62-21) 722-0905
Ms. Hery Budiarto
JL. Bacang II No.8, Kramat Pela Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan, 12130
Jakarta Selatan, 12130
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