Supporting the APAMO Central Resource Centre Program Management and its Governance Structures
The project will contribute significantly to the fulfillment of the National Protected Areas System Plan (NPASP). For example, Objective 1 that aims to strengthen the governance, institutional and operational capacities of community based protected areas management organizations in order to effectively and efficiently manage their protected areas, addresses Policy 10 of the NPASP which states that the ?management of Belize?s protected areas shall be accountable and transparent?. Furthermore, the NPASP calls for ?Strengthening co- and participatory management, thus increasing human resources? through capacity building and support services, such as site administration and skills training?.
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Project Snapshot
Association of Protected Areas Management Organizations
Area Of Work:
International Waters
International Waters
Grant Amount:
US$ 25,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 22,175.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 14,275.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Replication of project activities
? Due to the voluntary nature of the Board of CBOs, APAMO as the umbrella organization, has realized that CBOs may not be qualified nor experienced to properly manage a protected area. However, the commitment and passion exist to collaboratively manage Belize?s Natural Resources. This has further validated model being pursued by APAMO in consolidating resources and capacities at the ACRC to then provided strategic technical and financial oversight of its CBO members. This includes project management, marketing, accounting and business development at the same time building their capacities become better co-managers. Hence, the project activities that have been implemented with STACA, MBEDG and RBMA, will be further replicated and upscaled to better suit other CBOs and continuously support all CBOs under the APAMO umbrella.
The Protected Areas Database has been developed, is functional and can be
accessed through the APAMO website. Up to date, two members have commenced populating the
? Training sessions on governance were held for Board of Directors of STACA and MBEDG. Additionally, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, training was refocused on ensuring that the CBOs? managed parks were prepared and in conformity with the BTB Gold Standard in order to permit visitors into the protected area. An integral component of the capacity building program of APAMO is for the ACRC staff to provide continuous mentorship to, in particular, BBNP, MBNP and RBNP. This included technical, financial, communication and marketing support.
The FAMRACC group, which was established to manage the Caye Caulker Forest and Marine Reserves, went defunct, leading to the successful formation of a new
organization, the Caye Caulker Group for Environmental Sustainability (CCGES). This group is now functional and has made progress in obtaining c0-management of the Caye Caulker Forest Reserve, developed a Management Plan, and has held several Board planning meetings. Additionally, a Mennonite-constructed wooden building was bought, furnished, and successfully installed at the MBNP to be used as an isolation building.
Policy Influence
? Objective one that aims to strengthen the governance, institutional and operational capacities of community based protected areas management organizations in order to effectively and efficiently manage their protected areas, addresses Policy 10 of the NPASP which states that the ?management of Belize?s protected areas shall be accountable and transparent?
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SGP Country office contact
Mr. Leonel Requena
(501) 822-2462
Esther Calles
2nd Floor, David L. McKoy Business Center, Bliss Parade, P.O. Box 53
Belmopan, Central America
Belmopan, Central America
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