Promotion of baobab enterprise for the conservation of Kaya forest landscapes in Kaya Kauma and Kaya Ribe
The NGO was established in 2005 and has undertaken externally supported projects by Ford Foundation, IUCN Netherlands, Finnish Embassy, Netherlands Embassy, GEF-Small Grants Program (SGP) and German Federal Ministry for Agriculture and Food (BLE) and was officially registered under the Kenya Non-Governmental Organizations Board (No. OP 218/051/2005/037/4080) in 2006. The organizations accounts are audited externally annually, and NGO registered bank accounts maintained with Kenya Commercial Bank Company Limited and CFC Stanbic Bank Kenya Ltd.
Directed by the WLR executive board (chairman, secretary, treasurer) the WLR NGO secretariat consists of a CEO, a Marketing and Public Relations Officer and Assistants, Value Additions Officer, Accreditation and Certification Officer, a Community Conservation and Development Project Officer, an Accountant, Finance and Administration Officer and a team of field personnel. The secretariat relies heavily on the technical expertise found within the WLR Technical Advisory Board which constitutes of some 10 experts drawn from the WLR CBE membership base.
Achievements: Wild Living Resources NGO has achieved direct tangible alleviation of poverty and the real development of marginalized Kenyan communities through livelihoods creation from unique indigenous natural resources that has not only created self reliant micro enterprise but also afforded the conservation of the natural resources it relies upon. As such WLR has directly supported 36 community-based conservation and livelihoods enterprises from all over Kenya. From pastoralist gums and resins community co-operatives in northern Kenya, water hyacinth crafts producer women?s groups in Lake Victoria, to Mount Kenya CBOs producing Forest seed oils and bio fuels, WLR has directly assisted Community Based Enterprises (CBEs) to overcome supply chain barriers and to sell more products to create additional employment and improved livelihoods whilst providing the economic incentive for communities to protect their natural resources that are now so integrally linked to their wellbeing.
Since its inception, WLR?s guiding principals have been to 1.) Provide practical hands on experience led training to CBE members to overcome barriers to increased market access; 2.) Improve market access, and increase direct tangible sales; 3.) Link community livelihoods to the continued health of their environment and natural resources 4.) Attain self generated revenues for maintaining and expanding WLRs mandate.
Directed by the WLR executive board (chairman, secretary, treasurer) the WLR NGO secretariat consists of a CEO, a Marketing and Public Relations Officer and Assistants, Value Additions Officer, Accreditation and Certification Officer, a Community Conservation and Development Project Officer, an Accountant, Finance and Administration Officer and a team of field personnel. The secretariat relies heavily on the technical expertise found within the WLR Technical Advisory Board which constitutes of some 10 experts drawn from the WLR CBE membership base.
Achievements: Wild Living Resources NGO has achieved direct tangible alleviation of poverty and the real development of marginalized Kenyan communities through livelihoods creation from unique indigenous natural resources that has not only created self reliant micro enterprise but also afforded the conservation of the natural resources it relies upon. As such WLR has directly supported 36 community-based conservation and livelihoods enterprises from all over Kenya. From pastoralist gums and resins community co-operatives in northern Kenya, water hyacinth crafts producer women?s groups in Lake Victoria, to Mount Kenya CBOs producing Forest seed oils and bio fuels, WLR has directly assisted Community Based Enterprises (CBEs) to overcome supply chain barriers and to sell more products to create additional employment and improved livelihoods whilst providing the economic incentive for communities to protect their natural resources that are now so integrally linked to their wellbeing.
Since its inception, WLR?s guiding principals have been to 1.) Provide practical hands on experience led training to CBE members to overcome barriers to increased market access; 2.) Improve market access, and increase direct tangible sales; 3.) Link community livelihoods to the continued health of their environment and natural resources 4.) Attain self generated revenues for maintaining and expanding WLRs mandate.
Project Snapshot
Wild Living Resources
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 49,024.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 15,301.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 18,668.91
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
SGP Country office contact
Ms. Nancy Chege
(254-20) 7624473
(254-20) 621076
Ms. Eunice Mwaura
UNDP, P.O. Box 30218
Nairobi, 00100
Nairobi, 00100
Visit the Kenya Country Page