Fostering community-led fisheries sustainability assessment and resource management in a climate refugia center
Majoreni BMU is a community-based organization, nonprofit, tax-exempt, legally mandated by the ?sheries department to co-manage coastal resources at the local level. The primary activity managed by BMUs to date is ?shing, and the goals of management are by nature often both ecological (e.g., improve resources, conservation) and social (e.g., improving livelihoods, changing perceptions about the environment). Majoreni BMU maintain multi-stakeholder representation in its membership. Currently, Majoreni BMU members comprise not only ?shers, but also ?sh traders, vessel owners, local gear makers, ?sh processors, and other coastal stakeholders who traditionally depend on marine activities for their livelihoods. Majoreni BMU works closely with partners including national institutions such as the Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI), local and international NGOs such as the Wildlife Conservation Society, COMRED, and CORDIO East Africa. As a result, its members have benefitted immensely from numerous capacity building initiatives such as data collection of length-based measurements of landed catch and underwater visual surveys. Currently, Majoreni BMU is involved in long term fisheries monitoring program programs supported by KMFRI and WCS. Due to the long-term presence Majoreni BMU in the conservation arena through partnerships in collaborative research and conservation projects presents this BMU has the capacity to understand critical issues, craft science-based solutions, and take conservation actions that benefit nature and humanity.
primary aim is to build the capacity for sustainable fisheries management. This will contribute to Kenya?s Vision 2030 development goals of poverty eradication, environmental stewardship, devolution of fisheries management and the Big Four Agenda of food security. By strengthening BMU management capacity, the project also aligns with the Integrated Development Plan of Kwale County (2018 - 2020), where the proposed project will be located. The expected impact in the long term is increased resilience of coral reefs and continued provision of community benefits including improved livelihoods and greater food security thereby contributing to the GEF cross cutting themes of resilience, capacity building, gender and youth. The proposed project also aligns to the Shimoni-Vanga Seascape Joint Co-Management objectives of improving biodiversity conservation and improvement of capacity of BMUs. The proposal also responds to SDG 14# which emphasizes conservation and sustainable use of the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
primary aim is to build the capacity for sustainable fisheries management. This will contribute to Kenya?s Vision 2030 development goals of poverty eradication, environmental stewardship, devolution of fisheries management and the Big Four Agenda of food security. By strengthening BMU management capacity, the project also aligns with the Integrated Development Plan of Kwale County (2018 - 2020), where the proposed project will be located. The expected impact in the long term is increased resilience of coral reefs and continued provision of community benefits including improved livelihoods and greater food security thereby contributing to the GEF cross cutting themes of resilience, capacity building, gender and youth. The proposed project also aligns to the Shimoni-Vanga Seascape Joint Co-Management objectives of improving biodiversity conservation and improvement of capacity of BMUs. The proposal also responds to SDG 14# which emphasizes conservation and sustainable use of the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
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Project Snapshot
Majoreni Beach Management Unit
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 20,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 1,416.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 2,832.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
SGP Country office contact
Ms. Nancy Chege
(254-20) 7624473
(254-20) 621076
Ms. Eunice Mwaura
UNDP, P.O. Box 30218
Nairobi, 00100
Nairobi, 00100
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