Conserving the Natural Resources through Innovative Agricultural Techniques in the Negril Environmental Protection Area *Note: Originally JAM/SGP/OP6/Y5/STAR/BD/2020/01
Conserving the Natural Resources through Innovative Agricultural Techniques in the Negril Environmental Protection Area *Note: Originally JAM/SGP/OP6/Y5/STAR/BD/2020/01
The Negril Environmental Protection Area (EPA) is a unique protected area which is composed of the Negril Hills, Fish River Hills, Negril Great Morass and the Negril Marine Park. It has an estimated population of 215,893 individuals with and estimated fishing and farming population of 3,000. The Negril EPA supports several ecosystems functions and provides habitat to both endemic and endangered species in Jamaica. Environmental issues like the denudation of forests, soil erosion, draining of the Negril Great Morass, nutrient overload and forest fires has been having negative impacts on the natural resources and communities? livelihoods. Poor farming practices, as farming is one of the major income-earning activities in the Negril EPA, these issues have existed for over 18 years with very little intervention due to lack of funding.

The project seeks to conserve the area?s natural resources through innovative agricultural techniques and support awareness building and knowledge sharing among the local communities.
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Project Snapshot

Negril Area Environmental Protection Trust
Area Of Work:
Land Degradation
Grant Amount:
US$ 41,400.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 40,000.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 41,400.00
Project Number:
JAM/SGP/OP5/STAR/BD/2020/01 - recoded
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Promoting Public Awareness of Global Environment
Because of the project?s alignment with the IWEco project, results of the project will be shared with the focal point of the IWEco project thus allowing for a wider audience on what is being done under this local community project. Also, at the end of the project, an official handing over ceremony will be organised to include the media, government officials and other key partners where project results will be shared. In addition, there two community sensitization and public awareness meetings will be conducted in the three farming communities in the Negril Great Morass to raise awareness about the project and its results. One meeting before and after the project implementation will be done. A tour of the facility will also be conducted, and the media will also be engaged in strengthening the communication efforts, making it more widespread. The various stakeholder meetings will also be used to promote the success of the project. The successful implementation of the project will provide the opportunity for replication in other areas of the Negril Environmental Protection Area as the issues addressed by the project also exists in other farming communities.
Inovative Financial Mechanisms
The knowledge and lessons learnt will be captured and documented during the project monitoring and evaluation. It will be shared and disseminated during the project steering committee meetings as well reporting and project awareness. The IWECo project Team will also be provided with the documented knowledge and lessons learnt to also inform their communication strategies. Field school best practices and knowledge gained will also be disseminated to the farming community and community at large through knowledge products, such as the development of a handbook of best practices which will be printed and distributed to the farming community.
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Hectares of globally significant biodiversity area protected or sustainably managed by project 1
Hectares of land sustainably managed by project 3
Number of individuals (gender diaggregated) who have benefited* from SGP project 300

SGP Country office contact

Ms Hyacinth Y Douglas
(876) 978-2390-9 ext. 2030
Ms. Faradaine Forbes-Edwards


1-3 Lady Musgrave Road
Kingston 5, LA and the Caribbean