Awareness conducted mainly involved use of local language. Whilst posters were created in both English and Tok Pisin, the two commonly spoken languages throughout PNG.
Communications strategy was focused on word of mouth/verbal communication via individuals to disseminate information. Limited posters were published for use and dissemination.
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
Given the geographical isolation and lack of basic government infrastructure such as road access, livelihood potential is quite limited and compounded with covid 19, eco-tourism was discussed but cannot be a viable option under current circumstances.
Project sustainability
Minimal - The project site is very isolated and does not have regular mobile phone network. Its also about 2-3 days walk to the nearest government adminisitrative office. Current level of capacity is quite low and needing consistent guidance.
Inovative Financial Mechanisms
Nil strategy was developed and or in place for use with respect to knowledge management.
Linkages gef projects
Planning gef grant
Planning non gef grant
Not yet
Gender Focus
The geographical location and culture of the society indicates that women tend to allow men to take lead in decision-making. Women time is taken up with the rural lifestyle efforts of keeping home and ensuring there is food for their families. However, participation is encouraged and was observed to have been evident during conduct of awareness.
Capacity - Building Component
The grantee coordinator has very high capacity needs and has been receiving ongoing assistance with writing reports and reporting. Conduct of training still remains a challenge with building capacity. hroughou the implementation fo the project, the project coordinator has received much assistance from the NC.
Replication of project activities
Yes - within the Mt Bosavi region, due to its high and unique montane biodiversity, there are 6 protected areas wthin vicinity of each other, there fore this project will set the pace for replication of similar activities in the nearby PA.
Policy Influence
Yes. it was a proteced area site selected for METT assessment of protected area. Its isolated geograhic location and continued lack of government infrastructure made the PA an ideal site to assess-with continued environment protection status to be maintained by requiring development of options that will improve quality of lives for the 15000 + local population.
Notable Community Participation
Youths were involved in the project in so far as project awareness .
Project Results
During first tranch implementation, the project team were able to reconvene and meet at Musula village, to discuss receipt and use of SGP funding and the expected project activities to be implemented. An awareness campaign group was formed, engaging many locals and a selection of 6 sites were nominated for visits. All sites were visited reaching over 1300 individuals, in particular those living in villages near the protected area, and members belonging to clans who have customary land owning rights over the PA.
There was also discussions around the construction of a resource centre, with community agreeing that the cost would be high and their contributions by way of timber would be neccessary while the project committee would look into affordable means of transporting other materials needed for construction. Another activity concluded was the purchase of equipment as budgeted. And it was noted during this first tranch implementation that the lack of road infrastructure meant that the project coordinator would be maing regular travels into Port Moresby to submit reports and then access funds in the bank prior to returning back to site, only accessible via the one-engine airplanes that can land on short airstrips.
During second tranch implementation, the covid pandemic became a national public health and safety concern, with government putting restrictions in place to prevent ongoing spread of covid. Nevertheless, project persisted with purchase of materials to construct the resource centre and mass awareness was conducted reaching 7593 total population, with use of developed awareness materials. Awareness continued in neighboring villages and committees were re-engaged to look into alternative livelihoods and eco-tourism opportunities.
During third tranch implementation, with covid restrictions continuing to be a challenge resulting in increased transport fares and costs of goods, transportation of additional material became an expensive exercise but was successfully transported. More wider awareness was conducted and the construction of the resource center was concluded.
During final tranch implementation, a rapid PA boundary assessment was conducted to assess level of damage caused by the magnitude 5.8 earthquake in 2017, within the southern highlands province. Whilst more people have received awareness on covd 19 public health concerns and the national covid 19 safety protocols, livelihood concerns continue to exist and further funding is needed to address this.