Freshwater Fish Resources Conservation and Reproduction in Xaeng River, Viengkham District, Luangprabang Province
Nam Xaeng river is a major tributary, it is a source of fresh water that's very important to people in Viengkham district, Luangprabang province and it's a habitat for river fish species such as fish King, Mom, carps, catfish? also the source of income for people in the community as well as food. Recently, numbers of fish in Xaeng river are rapidly decreased due to population increase and illegal fishing that some local people practiced in some unproper cases. The project aims to encourage the community along Nam Xaeng river truly involved in fishery resources and allow the community to recognize an importance of fishery to promote and for conservation of aquatic resources from the river by creating a community conservation group (freshwater fish); establishment of regulation; provide training course on fish breeding, fish raising to the community and reproduction fish to increase the amount of aquatic resources in natural water; and to engage the community in management of local fishery resources and to properly maximize the use of fish resources for socio-economic development at the local community.
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Project Snapshot
Ban Sae
Area Of Work:
Community Based Adaptation
Climate Change Mitigation
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 22,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 3,000.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Partnership |
SGP Country office contact
Mr. Bounmy Phommakone
Ms. Vilaylack Tounalom
Lane Xang Avenue, P.O.Box 345
Vientiane, Asia & Pacific, Lao PDR
Vientiane, Asia & Pacific, Lao PDR
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