RETA Mangroves Rehabilitation and Shoreline Protection
RETA Mangroves Rehabilitation and Shoreline Protection
The project is designed to rehabilitate and address the problem of degradation and unsustainable conversion of mangroves into other uses along the coastline of Laloima where the project is to be located. The project is to assist the coastal communities in protecting the coastal environment, marine ecosystem and reducing poverty among coastal communities by maintaining the ecological functions and the manifold economic benefits of mangroves through formulation of the national strategy and an action plan for the conservation and sustainable management of mangroves and with respect of selected area of Small Malaita. The scope of the project includes two major components. The rehabilitation of mangrove ecosystem of Laloima conservation site and the shoreline protection

Project Snapshot

RETA Association
Solomon islands
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 14,400.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 3,099.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed

SGP Country office contact

Mr. Lorraine Bambu
Mr. Teiba Mamu


Joint Presence of UNDP, UNFPA & UNICEF, ANZ House Prince Philip Highway 1954
Honiara, Pacific