Eco-Development Center for networking, knowledge sharing and sustainable practices implementation
Eco-Development Center for networking, knowledge sharing and sustainable practices implementation
The main goal of the project is to develop capacities of SCOs on sustainable and green approaches through networking, knowledge sharing, learning and implementation of good practices. To reach this objective, the project will establish Eco-Development Center as a regional hub for practical education in the fields of organic agriculture, energy efficiency, eco-friendly production and community empowerment. The Center will serve as a demonstrational and resource mobilization platform for sustainable development, allowing CSOs and communities to share innovative ideas. Moreover, the project will support wider communities? participation, provide trainings on the GEF SGP best practice in agroecology on Kyiv and Zhytomyr Polissya landscape, support women self-help groups in post-COVID agroecology recovery, build networks and develop capacities of the CSOs to operate in the situation of lockdown and social distance. Finally, the initiative will unite local youth, women and other vulnerable groups, build new partnerships with local authorities and donors.

Project Snapshot

NGO "Eco-development"
Area Of Work:
Land Degradation
Grant Amount:
US$ 50,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 21,300.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 24,200.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed

Photo Gallery

Project Characteristics and Results
Promoting Public Awareness of Global Environment
A wide range of stakeholders ? students, teachers, representatives of scientific institutions, local government authorities, representatives of the sites of Nature Reserve Fund, and others ? were involved in the project implementation, thus contributing to the dissemination of information about the project results, environmental initiatives and best practices on environmental protection In the course of the project implementation, a wide information campaign was carried out on partners' websites, on the Facebook page and in print media. It should be noted that the webpage of the NGO, implementing the project ?, provides for wide dissemination of news and reaches a large number of stakeholders. Moreover, the experience gained in the framework of the project, was disseminated at the International scientific-practical conference ?Current trends in the development of the farming sector: problems and ways to solve them? and the ?All-Ukrainian "ECO+ETHNO+ART" initiative: creative NON conference?. Also, 4 events regarding agro-ecological practices were held for 93 children, including rural youth and children from large families.
Gender Focus
As part of the project, the GEF SGP online course "Gender and Environment" ( was disseminated, in particular during public events and through the library of the Eco-Development Center. Due to the partnership with educational institutions for children with special needs, the youth and vulnerable groups were involved in the project implementation, which contributed to their empowerment, and in particular influenced the life and development of vulnerable groups of girls with special needs. The elaborated models and materials on implementation of agro-ecological practices on the landscape were disseminated among women-farmers and rural women, which will stimulate them to use new agro-ecological technologies for restoration of degraded lands, including the cultivation of niche and medicinal crops, thus contributing to the development of green entrepreneurship and to partial solution of an unemployment problem in the villages of Zhytomyr oblast.
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Number of CBOs / NGOs participated / involved in SGP project 3
Number and type of support linkages established with local governments/authorities 2

SGP Country office contact

Ms. Svitlana Nigorodova
+ 380 44 354 56 90 (ext. 3300)
Valentyna Kyrychenko


10, Lypska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine