Project Results
The GEF and UNDP through the GEF SGP provided funds to EcoKAN-Gambia to implement the project ?Capacity building for Gender mainstreaming into programme and project cycle of GEFSGP-CSOs, partners and Women groups in The Gambia?.
According to the GEFSGP Country Strategy, SGP considers capacity building and knowledge management as key-programming requirements and this project fits and addresses the GEFSGP focal area of capacity development. Capacity building is essential for SGP grantees and partners in The Gambia, CSOs stakeholders lack capacity building especially gender mainstreaming when addressing global environmental and related issues.
The project aims to strengthen the capacity of 60 civil society organizations. From this, 30 will be CSOs and 30 will be CBOs and the rest will be collaborators from government institutions and other programmes operating in the country.
The following results were obtained during project implementation so far:
1.Gender assessment and analysis study
The main objective of the study was to design ways of gender mainstreaming and empowerment of women into programme and project cycles of GEF SGP funding windows which will serve as a tool for making an evidence-based decision with regards to planning for mainstreaming gender issues into those activities. The study used questionnaires with both open-ended and closed-ended questions to gather the required information from the respondents.
2.Manual and guidelines development
The training manual and guidelines were developed to assist practitioners and other actors concerned with environmental and natural resources management to effectively integrate a gender perspective into all aspects of their developmental work and organizational procedures, from planning strategic tools, designing and delivering thematic programmes and working through the project cycle. The intention is to demystify gender, make the concept and practice of gender mainstreaming accessible to a wide audience and provide guidance for staff from civil society organizations, women groups and communities on how to systematically mainstream gender equality concerns into environmental projects and programs and their sustainability. The resource documents are user friendly and easy to carry in the field.
B. Activities planned and completed this reporting period and results achieved.
1. Gender assessment and analysis study
The activities planned and completed this reporting period and results ached are:-
1.1 Consultation and Planning for the assessment,
1.2 Prepare the list for the target groups,
1.3 Selection of relevant experts for the assessment,
1.4 Selection and training of Data collectors and Data entry clerks,
1.5 Field material production (assessment tools.stationery, printing, photocopying),
1.6 Literature review
1.7 Stakeholder consultations,
1.8 Field survey/assessment in selected areas and organisations,
1.9 Data analysis: data collected from desk review, stakeholder consultations and data collected from field will be analysed,
1.10 Review process
1.11 Reports based on data collected and analysed, recommend the key gaps for intervention, including to provide appropriate capacity building and tools including a gender mainstreaming Plan
1.12 Sensitization and mobilization ? Environmental education for sustainable natural resource with equity.
2. Develop and produce knowledge and guidance materials on safe guarding the global environmental, gender mainstreaming and related matters
2.1 Experts themes identification and information gathering,
2.2 Designing and development,
2.3 Printing,
2.4 Dissemination plan (ongoing during the whole duration of the project)
The targeted results from the activities implemented are achieved as planned. The main objective of the study was to assess and design ways of gender mainstreaming and empowerment of women into programme and project cycle of GEF SGP funding windows which will serve as a tool for making an evidence-based decision with regards to planning for mainstreaming gender issues into those activities.
The pursuit of gender sensitive activity is a policy of GEF and UNDP which should be implemented by all stakeholders and actors that benefit from GEF funding activities.
The work was implemented through a series of activities ranging from the Planning, preparation of tools, coordination, training, administration of questionnaires, online consultation, Focus Group Discussions,Online and Face-to-face interviews with recipients of GEF Small Grant Facility funding, Government Departments, International organizations, NGOs, Women?s Group, Youth Groups, Community Based Organizations and persons with disabilities across the 7 administrative regions of the country.
The study used questionnaires with both open-ended and closed-ended questions to gather the required information from the respondents. Three set of questionnaires/scheduled were developed to solicit the required information from the respondents. These were (i) Gender questionnaire for women?s groups, NGOs, CSOs, CBOs; (ii) Gender analysis questionnaire for community focus groups and key informants interviews, (iii) Gender analysis interview questionnaire for Government departments, and international organizations. In other to meet the objectives of the study, a representative sample of 45 respondents was purposely selected from a suitable sampling frame.
Findings of the study revealed that respondent?s knowledge on the concepts of gender was low. Most of them could not clearly define gender equality and gender mainstreaming. In general, most respondents lacked gender analysis skills which are vital for gender mainstreaming. A few respondents had taken individual initiatives to improve their knowledge and skills on gender. In addition, majority of the actors and stakeholders implementing the GEF SGP funded projects expressed the desire to be trained in gender because their level of knowledge is low. In view of these, it is recommended for an innovative mechanisms and strategies to promote gender mainstreaming at all levels.
From the gender assessment and analysis study, the findings show that both females and males have access to resources. However, males have more control than females. The findings also show that female?s participation in preparation of project proposal and implementation of project activities is relatively low, due to the cultural norms and societal attitudes, which regard women as second fiddle to men and place too much emphasis on women?s family responsibilities. Further, the study revealed that there are no specific Gender Focal Point Persons (GFPP) who are responsible for ensuring that gender is incorporated in all the activities.
It was recommended that an Action Plan be formulated in the report, that will create the opportunities for building capacity of current and potential beneficiaries of GEF funding (direct and indirect), so that they can sustainably manage the natural resources and the environment of the country by mainstreaming gender into all their activities aiming at gender equality and equity in the access and control of resources and all benefits from them. A report is produced
2. Manual and guidelines development
The manual for gender mainstreaming and guidelines were developed by a team of experienced gender experts in consultation with sector advisory experts, and through participatory approach, case studies and reference materials. Gender mainstreaming manual and gender guidelines produced.