MYD Academy: Driving Youth Participation in Climate Change Advocacy
MYD Academy: Driving Youth Participation in Climate Change Advocacy
Issues to be addressed:
Climate change is a complex problem, yet collaboration within and between civil society organizations and government ministries is limited, at least in part due to a lack of awareness of this complexity. Meanwhile, the general public has limited options to express their perspectives, resulting in apathy.

Proposed Approach:
The project combines two proven models of encouraging citizen participation - Citizens? Assemblies and vTaiwan
- to bring together multiple stakeholders to explore links between climate change and government ministry scopes. The findings of the planned workshops, surveys and forums will be used to advocate for inter-ministerial collaboration. This local advocacy will then be communicated on an international stage.

The combination of two proven methods of citizen participation is proposed to remediate political apathy and encourage bottom-up action, in line with GEF-SGP goals. The project processes have also been designed to create synergies with other NGOs and to ensure the inclusion of poor and vulnerable communities. The strategy to run the two methods in parallel via different mediums enables them to cross-pollinate any findings and learnings, which in turn is expected to make the resulting database of perspectives more comprehensive, robust and inclusive. MYD will also draw links between local and international advocacy, making sure to proactively share learnings with stakeholder communities along the way.

Relevance to the GEF-SGP CPS:
The project has direct impacts on SGP OP6 Components 6 and 7. In particular, the project will promote the social inclusion of youths in climate actions. It empowers the youth to stay informed of the current state of climate change and initiate change in their respective communities. This project is spearheaded by youths with various backgrounds and experiences with a focus on building youths? capacity, creating learning opportunities and supporting outreach initiatives. The project also contributes towards global knowledge management through the dissemination of information related to climate change and promotes discussion on youth climate actions.

Project Snapshot

Malaysian Youth Delegation
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 32,897.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 3,925.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 2,137.00
Project Number:
Project Terminated Before Completion

SGP Country office contact

Ms. Shin Shin, Lee
603-8689 6055
Ms. Nurul Fitrah Mohd Ariffin Marican


Level 10, Menara PJH, No.2, Jalan Tun Abdul Razak, Precinct 2,
Putrajaya, 62100

Country Website