Planning non gef grant
Replication of project activities
Capacity - Building Component
Lately the Centre is plagued by theft. Piggery is not doing well and thus there is need for training in the activity as as well as in goose farming as this is a new venture necessitated by the emerging security issues at the Centre.
Policy Influence
National Strategic Development Plan II, intermediate objective 3.2 on sustainable energy production and use has "Improve Access
to Energy and Promote Sustainable Use" as one of the strategic objectives that prioritizes off-grid and rural communities. The Bana Project Centre is demonstrating harnessing of solar energy for water pumping and powering the Centre and generation of biogas from biodegradable waste. The intervention thus resonates well with the NSDP II.
Inovative Financial Mechanisms
Public gatherings are the order of the day in a village setting. Every opportunity will be taken to make the presence of the Centre known at such gatherings. Effort will also be made to get the project featured at least once in the weekly Agricultural information Programme aired over the national radio station and other local radio stations. participation at district and national agricultural shows is another strategy to promote public awareness.
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
Re-vamping of the piggery facility to augment pi farming and initialization of goose farming as a n economic activity and as a security strategy.
Notable Community Participation
The Centre is located within a village setting. Apart from orphaned and vulnerable children who are supported by the Centre, local youth hold their meetings and gatherings at no fee. This is a strategy to get local youth attached to the Centre for security purposes and to get them acquainted with the activities at the Centre with the hope of exposing them to renewable energy and protected farming technologies.
Significant Participation of Indigenous Peoples
The Proposal was written in the local language.
Project Results
- The current project was about wrap up activities of a project implemented by the Bana Project of Lesotho, that was initiated way back in 2012. This is one of the projects that were visited by the GEF SGP mission in 2018. The focus is on demonstration of renewable energy technologies and protected farming at a Centre established for the care of non-resident orphaned and vulnerable children. The Centre has a biogas digester that is fed by a piggery project to produce gas for cooking for the once a week feeding programme for children supported by the Centre.
- Being at a location not reached by the national electricity grid, the Centre has refurbished the solar PV system to provide energy for lighting and water pumping for domestic use and irrigation for vegetable production under protected farming. A total of 80 (38 boys and 42 girls) children are being supported by the Centre that is run by 2 men and 9 women, with majority seats on the Executive Committee occupied by women.
Vegetable sales were hit by the prolonged Covid-19 imposed lockdowns that prohibited movement. Nonetheless, the vegetables have not gone to waste as members of the NGO, their families and those of the Centre?s beneficiaries were provided with fresh vegetables during the lockdown. The sad story is that the tunnel (green house) has been destroyed by a wild fire. The grantee is currently working tirelessly to refurbish the structure