Project of South-South Exchanges and Practices for Snow Leopard Monitoring and Community-based Eco-tourism
Project of South-South Exchanges and Practices for Snow Leopard Monitoring and Community-based Eco-tourism
Snow leopard habitat is also an area with extremely high value of ecosystem services, but it?s very fragile. Community-based conservation is an important and effective way to reduce threats to snow leopards and to protect snow leopard landscapes. In this proposed project, Amity Foundation will work with Shan Shui Conservation Center to review and sum up the experience in and lessons.

Project funds will be used to support the following project activities: 1) Organizing exchanges and cooperation for snow leopard conservation in developing countries; 2) Reflecting experience from other countries for practices in Soja?s snow leopard landscape protection projects; and 3) Selecting, partnering, and funding a Tajik NGO, and having it sum up its experience.

Expected Results include: reviewing and summing up the learned experience to promote the community-based ecotourism project in Soja and support Soja in ecotourism activities; Compiling and preparing snow leopard individual identification and camera management handbooks, and translating them into the official languages of Tajikistan and so on.
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Project Snapshot

The Amity Foundation
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 150,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 22,806.75
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 25,847.65
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Significant Participation of Indigenous Peoples
Community-based ecotourism conference & Community training opportunity will be provided for indigenous people. The villagers? groups in the local communities, which will be given a leading role in this project, can contribute greatly to national park operations and benefit from the national park system
Inovative Financial Mechanisms
Reports focusing on ecotourism and community-based monitoring will be published through field study (surveys and guidance) and researches. Reports includes international thematic study reports, Soja Biodiversity Monitoring System Design Report, Case analyses of national park concessions management and policy recommendations and so on.
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SGP Country office contact

Ms. Meijia Lu
Ms. Lixia Zheng


No. 2 Liangmahe Nanlu
Beijing, Chaoyang, 100600