Sandy Bay Eco-Tourism, Cultural and Development Project
Sandy Bay Eco-Tourism, Cultural and Development Project
The Sandy Bay Community is of Indigenous origin, which consists of descendants mainly from ?The Caribs?. The Community is situated on the Northern side of the Country. There is a lack of economic activity in the community save and except for ?Village shops? which sell grocery and liquor, a Bakery and a Farine (a cereal derived from the cassava plant) outlet. The area also has one of the highest levels of poverty according to the 2007/2008 Poverty Assessment Report.

The Community has suffered from several Natural Disasters over the last five years. Much of it has been attributed to improper disposal of garbage and soil erosion due to improper farming practices, improper channelling of waste water and rising sea levels. The Community is also at risk due to its geographical location from volcanic eruptions. The project therefore seeks to restore and preserve the environment while creating viable economic activity in the community by drawing on the history and culture of the people?s indigenous heritage.

The project seeks to address the issues of:

i. Improper disposal of garbage and channelling of waste in the ?Sion Hill? Community through community meetings and the upgrading of the drain in that Community which would allow for proper channelling of water.

ii. Development of the ?Corner Rock? Trail which is one of the original trails used by their ancestors. The ?trail? once developed would become one of the main income earners for the community through tours for both local and foreign persons alike. Increased economic activity in the area through the development of the trail would assist in poverty reduction by creating direct and in-direct employment to persons in the Sandy Bay area. In addition, farmers along the trail would be trained in implementing the practice of terracing which would reduce soil erosion along the trail. Vertiver grass, shrubs and trees would also be planted along the trail to further assist in the reduction of soil erosioiii. The Quadrill dance which is the National dance of St.Vincent and the Grenadines is not very well known throughout the country. This traditional dance, in the past was a part of the cultural heritage of the Carib descendants. However, with increased technology the traditional activities such as these have been given very little priority. This project therefore seeks to revive this indigenous dance along with other cultural practices such as ?Nancy story telling?. These activities would also allow for increased economic activity in the community.

iv. The history of people is one of the major sellers of ?heritage? tourism. One of the major activities of the project is to establish an interpretation Centre which would showcase the history of the ?Carib? people. At the interpretation Centre, artifacts, craft, early photographs along with a documentary film, and storytelling recordings which would capture the stories of the older members of the Community which would be available to the public.


Project Snapshot

St. Vincent and the Grenadines Red Cross
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Area Of Work:
Land Degradation
Grant Amount:
US$ 85,244.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 4,431.50
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 14,744.50
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed

SGP Country office contact

Ms. Tasheka Haynes


P.O. Box 2338, SeaBreeze Bldg. Arnos Vale