Promoting Biodiversity Conservation Agriculture to cope with the impact of Climate Change in Liberia
Promoting Biodiversity Conservation Agriculture to cope with the impact of Climate Change in Liberia
a project, being Capacity developmentThe overall essence of this project is to ensure Biodiversity is protected and maintained within the East Nimba Natural Reserve (ENNR), and surrounding through the building of capacity and creating awareness in four (4) rural communities where the environment is seriously been threatened. This intervention seeks to engage rural inhabitants and other actors in the preservation of Biodiversity in what is left of the ENNR in and around the intended project communities.The program will assist the selected community dwellers to work towards an improved model of joint Forest Management which will eventually ensure that there is better quality, more Biodiverse Forest in the long term, and that production areas are sustainable.At the end of eight months, the traditional extensive and damaging system of slash and burn or shifting cultivation will be enhanced through the introduction of low Technology (Conservation Agriculture, sustainable farming, animal raising and Agro Forestry) improvement. These will guarantee food security with keen focus on food and cash crops. Medium improvement in Livelihoods will be developed that reduce community people?s dependence on Forest Resources through cash food crops, tree crops and Village Saving Loan Association. Livestock production will be included in subsequent long term phases. Coordination and collaboration will be encouraged with key stakeholders such as FDA, Arcelor -Mittal Biodiversity Program, community Forest Management Board, Chief and Elders and all those that play key role in protecting and managing the ENNR. This intervention will in collaboration with key top level local leaders (District Commissioners, Paramount, Clan, Town Chiefs and Elders selects representative communities (at least four in Yarmein, Sehyi and Zor clans) with the view of creating and giving strong awareness messages, testing/trying available but appropriate technologies aimed at eliminating or reducing forest destruction and curtailing people?s dependence on forest resources by encouraging stabilization of farming through improved Agriculture Techniques and diversification of other Livelihood activities.

Project Snapshot

Agriculture Relief Services (ARS)
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 20,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 2,000.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Notable Community Participation
An in-depth consultation has already taken place, with discussions beginning in 2020 with community and stakeholders representative. This proposal has evolved as a direct result of that consultation process and a pre-project development visit which was undertaken from September by the project team
Promoting Public Awareness of Global Environment
Knowledge transfer and capacity building based on personal involvement of local people are at the heart of this project and hence dissemination is an integral aspect of what is planned.
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SGP Country office contact

Mr. Samuel Boakai
Mrs. Gboryonon B. Zarbupoo


C/O UNDP Office, UN Drive, 1000 Monrovia 10,
Monrovia, West Africa