Additionally, components of this project are being scaled up under two other projects being funded by the Inter-American
Foundation and the JSIF with combined value of over USD600,000.
Hectares of land now sustainably managed in the Great River Watershed ? Through the planting of timber and vetiver grass along the boundary areas to control soil erosion. Also, climate smart crops will be panted on five hectares of land. This will
entail the establishment of an aquaculture programme focusing on women and youth. Also, the establishment of a social enterprise initiative partnering with the Seven Rivers Attractions where guests visiting the attraction will come over to enjoy the social enterprises activities which include
the local food produced by the farming community.
Policy Impact
Inovative Financial Mechanisms
The Cooperative will seek to disseminate the knowledge, lessons learnt and good practices gained through the development products on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), use of short video clips, photo story, training days, guided tours, press releases, pamphlets, media interviews, site visits, social media and proper documentation and farm records. The project site will be used as a demonstration area for agricultural students within and around the Mafoota communities where they will be exposed to hands on training in irrigation systems and water harvesting. Development of Business Plan. Development of a ?how to guide? on what to do in the event of a disaster in relation to protection and maintenance of irrigation system.
Promoting Public Awareness of Global Environment
The Cooperative will seek to disseminate the knowledge, lessons learnt and good practices gained through the use of short video clips, photo story, training days, guided tours, press releases, pamphlets, media interviews, site visits, social media and proper documentation and farm records. The
Cooperative will volunteer their time and effort in helping other communities to develop similar projects.
Gender Focus
The Mafoota Agricultural Cooperative which is the implementing Agency has demonstrated their commitment to gender mainstreaming over the years as 50% of the Cooperative membership is female and the other 50% male. Females make up a large percentage of the management structure which is involved in the decision-making process
and the day to day activities of the Cooperative. Both men and women will have equal opportunities to participate in all aspects of the project.
Capacity - Building Component
The grantee will benefit from project management trainining condcuted as part of SGP's one-on-one monitorig and consultation processes.
Project sustainability
The group has developed a seven-year business plan to guide the sustainability of the project. Support is being received also from the Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF) for the development of a robust ten-year business plan.
Policy Influence
The project has contributed significantly to Jamaica?s Vision 2030 by contributing to the national goals and outcomes that impacts energy, security, efficiency, and the sustainable Management of natural resource. This project would have influenced government?s policies and mandates that promote sustainable agricultural practices.
Replication of project activities
This project has impacted other medium/large project in the country. With the impact of climate change government are
looking for solutions to mitigate against the effects of drought on agricultural production. Water harvesting, storage and irrigation ponds are now becoming very popular.
Notable Community Participation
Women and youth involvement have been designed and aimed at building the capacity of the people most affected in the community to effect change necessary for community development. The action in all aspects will take into specific account the gendered realities of rural life which women form some 52% of household heads across the community and make up most of the poor. The Mafoota Agricultural Cooperative which is the implementing Agency has demonstrated their commitment to gender mainstreaming over the years as 50% of the Cooperative membership is female. Females make up a large percentage of the management structure which is involved in the decision-making process
and the day to day activities of the Cooperative. Youth will clearly play a critical role in pointing them to careers in agriculture. Directing them to alternative livelihood and through the community consultation process the youth would be targeted for the aquaculture aspect of the project.
Significant Participation of Indigenous Peoples
Workshops will be participatory and advanced through the incorporation of local knowledge and training videos.
Project Results
The primary objective is to adopt an integrated approach to sustainable land management practices to
improve community livelihoods. This was achieved through the sustainable management of 5 hectares of land in the Great River Watershed by planting climate resilient agricultural crops and forest trees;
diversified livelihood opportunities for the Mafoota and Surrounding Communities through the
establishment of an aquaculture programme focusing on women and youth; and increased awareness on environmental impacts among community members through trainings and workshops in managing irrigation system, aquaculture, and climate change impacts.
Output 1.1 - Construction of irrigation pond and establishment of aquaculture system for farming.
Construction of 150ft x 200ft x 6ft (approximately 1,795,200 gallons) irrigation pond was completed and pond liner installed. Security fencing was installed around the pond. The piping system has been laid. Coming out of the recent drought, the pond is about now 50% filled with water and is expected to be at full capacity during the projected heavy rain period later in the year.
Output 1.2 ? Planting of climate resilient agricultural crops and forest trees - Five thousand hot pepper
seedlings were purchased from the Montpelier research station and distributed to seven farmers. A
guaranteed market was procured with an exporter. Seven farmers benefitted from this initiative. An
estimated income of one hundred and fifty thousand was realized. Approximately 20,000 lbs of pepper was reaped. Because of the protracted drought period some plants from the Forestry department have been delayed. The seedlings from the department are expected when climatic conditions are improved.
Output 1.3 ? Installation of solar pump for irrigation system ? Members of the Cooperative supported the construction of a pumping house for the installation and protection of the solar water pump. The pump will support the efficient delivery of water from the irrigation pond to the 20 farms. The pumping house has also been outfitted with security lighting and camera.
Output 2.1 ? Training conducted in managing irrigation system and aquaculture ?Training was done with group members on how to manage the irrigation system, and a brochure was prepared for the farmers. This training was done by the Land management team from RADA with support from the supplier that installed the pond. Seventy-one (71) farmers (28 females and 44 males) were trained in Managing Irrigation System; Production and Post Harvest Management of Hot Pepper; and Integrated Pest Management. Postharvest Management of scotchbonnett peppers. The trainings were facilitated by the Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA) and St. Jago Farm Supplies.
Output 2.2 ?Workshops conducted on climate change impacts (drought, soil erosion etc) - Two
workshops were conducted on climate change impacts to include erosion, drought and climate resilient crops. Scotch bonnet pepper is regarded as a climate resilient crop as it is more tolerant to drought conditions. Support was received from the Fire Department in relation to bush fires during the prolonged drought periods. The Fire Department was able to hold meetings with the community to bring awareness of bush fires and the impact they have on livelihood There was a community fire that affected several communities during the drought period, and the water from one of the existing irrigation ponds had to be used by the Jamaica Fire Brigade to put out the fire affecting the farms. At the time of the fire, the only available source of water in the community that was adequate to fight the fire the irrigation pond.
Output 2.3 ? Development of a ?How to do Guide? on what to do in the event of a disaster in
relation to protection and maintenance of the irrigation system ? A booklet was developed with the
assistance of the Land Husbandry Officer of RADA that will serve as a guide to members of the
Cooperative on how to use and maintain the irrigation system in general and in the event of a hurricane. The guide includes topics such as solar array, care of the pump, controllers ,the pressure line and other do?s and don?ts?.
Output 3.1 ? Conduct consultation among community members and partners to identify crop
selection - A variety of crops were identified (hot pepper and ginger) to support climate smart
agricultural activities. This is to meet the demands of the market and the request from potential new
supplier. The group had preliminary conversations with a potential buyer for hot peppers. Farmers can
produce over a hectare of pepper for the buyer. Discussions are ongoing with a market in Orlando, Florida (USA) to supply hot pepper. A decision was reached on pricing, packaging, post
harvesting and transportation of sale of the produce. This arrangement is a long term arrangement as
the present climatic condition is preventing the arrangement going forward. The group was also
approached by the same exporters to use their facility to do the packaging at a cost. A
partnership/agreement will in place.
Output 3.2 ? Establishment of social enterprise to support nearby local eco-tourism ? The Mafoota
Cooperative was supporting the Seven Rivers Cluster in this activity. Unfortunately, this proposed
partnership is experiencing some delays. The Seven Rivers cluster is awaiting a grant from JSIF to
develop its operation. This is a community initiative that supports all the businesses within the
cluster. Mafoota would have provided farms tours. The irrigation ponds with the aquaculture
component would provide support for recreational fishing. To combat this issue, Mafoota has decided
to advance this activity in the group with the females in the aquaculture project to add an additional
income stream.
Output 3.3 ? Development of Business Plan ? A 7-year Business plan was developed by the Cooperative with inputs from RADA, SDC, JAS, and community members. This plan will help to guide the sustainability and productivity of the organisation. The plan has taken into consideration the proposed development of the Cooperative over the next seven years.