Cultivation wild plants to support food security towards Climate Change
Cultivation wild plants to support food security towards Climate Change
The project aims to preserve plant biodiversity and exploit it to enhance the living standard of the local community and combat climate change by promoting and cultivating plants of wild origin as a source of additional income and a health product in three geographic areas (AlQuds university campus in Ab Dis, Mesilyia and bani Naim), enhancing food security by planting the following varieties (Persian thyme, wormwood, zeaitman or cornflower, wild chamomile, huirna, akub, barid or wild pea, shepherd's soap or deer horn) on farms and home gardens (10 dunums) in the style of ecological agriculture for 20 beneficiaries (10 male and 10 female), protecting wild thyme and wild sage through their propagation and replanting in nature. Extracting some wild species (clams, thyme, sage and olives), Raising awareness among farmers and other groups of society about the importance of biodiversity and ways to preserve it, reviving agricultural practices and the sustainable ecological farming pattern and its role in combating climate change, assisting in marketing agricultural products of the targeted crops and producing joint video with other GEF/SGP grantees to disseminate the project desired results.

Project Snapshot

AL-Quds University
Palestine, State of
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 40,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 20,000.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Project sustainability
Sustainable and eco agriculture came as fact on the ground with the traditional practices developed to reflect socio economic benefits, assistance in marketing and value of wild relative crops were achieved. For example full coordination between experts was performed to transfer new practices like use of biopesticides and eco agriculture to reach farmers with simplified terms. Moreover, cooperation between farmers and expert advisers was achieved in harmony.
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SGP Country office contact

Ms. Nadia Zuhair Elkhodary


UNDP, 4A Ya'quibi Street, P.O. Box 51359
Jerusalem, via Israel