Sustainable electronic waste management - repair service and proper disposal of WEEE in the micro region Pijanec-Malesh
Manufacturing of electrical and electronic equipment is one of the fastest growing areas of the processing industry in the western world as well as in the joining countries in the EU. Technological innovation and market expansion are accelerating the process of replacement of equipment in consumers, which affects the amount of occurrence of WEEE in our country as well. The new applications for electrical and electronic equipment with us are growing significantly. There is almost no part of life that is not used electrical and electronic equipment. Such a development leads to a significant increase in OEEO. The WEEE Directive aims to reduce the occurrence of WEEE, and if possible WEEE to be recycled and recycled, to reduce the waste of that waste, and to
reduce the negative impact on the environment through proper treatment of the collected OEEO. To this end, EU member states should provide a collection and treatment scheme of AEOs and to set minimum targets for the collection of AEOs, and manufacturers of AEOs be responsible for financing the WEEE management system. The WEEE Directive enables it to be achieved effectively through market mechanisms and financial support collection, processing and "eco-design for recycling". The RoHS Directive prohibits use of certain EEO substances which are manufactured in the EU or imported into the EU, and approximates the national legislations of all EU member states in order to allow free movement of the product. Currently, most of the WEEE in Macedonia goes to landfill or processed without prior treatment. This leads to significant introduction of hazardous materials into the landfill or otherwise into the environment from waste processing side. The situation is the same with this type of waste in the territory of the municipalities of Delchevo, Pehchevo and Makedonska Kamenica, where they can be seen more often at landfills electronically waste and in many cases it is the cause of illegal landfills and pollutants land and groundwater.
Due to all the above information, activities are planned that will introduce the population in the micro region with the importance of rational use of WEEE waste, its re-use if possible and its proper storage, ie recycling. We will achieve all these goals through the activities that are planned in the project, ie through the campaign that is intended for the population in the micro region Pijanec-Malesh but also the wider East planning region, Capacity building primarily for young people from the micro region who with they will be able to gain their strengthened capacities and knowledge through mentoring support and training to assist in the repair of obsolete electronic and electrical equipment and devices. Important component of the project is the two-day training of 15 representatives of the civil sector who will be able to spread the acquired knowledge among the citizens through their civil society organizations and to contribute to raise public awareness of WEEE waste management. For successful capacity building especially to the six young elected officials and to reduce or reuse some of the electronic ones devices will make a major contribution to the procurement of tools and equipment for the diagnosis and repair of such devices which will be procured within the project activities and which will be placed on availability of mentors, trainers and people who train on the premises in the three municipalities that are provided by the municipalities, ie organizations from the municipalities themselves. The rooms together with the equipment will be the key places where the trainings and mentoring will take place and where citizens can use the services to repair this type of equipment. In all the mentioned project activities, care will be taken for equal representation of men and women as well young people are in order to strike a balance, ie to ensure equal inclusion and recognizing the horizontal issues that are part of the EU and UN goals.
reduce the negative impact on the environment through proper treatment of the collected OEEO. To this end, EU member states should provide a collection and treatment scheme of AEOs and to set minimum targets for the collection of AEOs, and manufacturers of AEOs be responsible for financing the WEEE management system. The WEEE Directive enables it to be achieved effectively through market mechanisms and financial support collection, processing and "eco-design for recycling". The RoHS Directive prohibits use of certain EEO substances which are manufactured in the EU or imported into the EU, and approximates the national legislations of all EU member states in order to allow free movement of the product. Currently, most of the WEEE in Macedonia goes to landfill or processed without prior treatment. This leads to significant introduction of hazardous materials into the landfill or otherwise into the environment from waste processing side. The situation is the same with this type of waste in the territory of the municipalities of Delchevo, Pehchevo and Makedonska Kamenica, where they can be seen more often at landfills electronically waste and in many cases it is the cause of illegal landfills and pollutants land and groundwater.
Due to all the above information, activities are planned that will introduce the population in the micro region with the importance of rational use of WEEE waste, its re-use if possible and its proper storage, ie recycling. We will achieve all these goals through the activities that are planned in the project, ie through the campaign that is intended for the population in the micro region Pijanec-Malesh but also the wider East planning region, Capacity building primarily for young people from the micro region who with they will be able to gain their strengthened capacities and knowledge through mentoring support and training to assist in the repair of obsolete electronic and electrical equipment and devices. Important component of the project is the two-day training of 15 representatives of the civil sector who will be able to spread the acquired knowledge among the citizens through their civil society organizations and to contribute to raise public awareness of WEEE waste management. For successful capacity building especially to the six young elected officials and to reduce or reuse some of the electronic ones devices will make a major contribution to the procurement of tools and equipment for the diagnosis and repair of such devices which will be procured within the project activities and which will be placed on availability of mentors, trainers and people who train on the premises in the three municipalities that are provided by the municipalities, ie organizations from the municipalities themselves. The rooms together with the equipment will be the key places where the trainings and mentoring will take place and where citizens can use the services to repair this type of equipment. In all the mentioned project activities, care will be taken for equal representation of men and women as well young people are in order to strike a balance, ie to ensure equal inclusion and recognizing the horizontal issues that are part of the EU and UN goals.
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Project Snapshot
Regionalen Centar za Zastapuvanje/ Regional Advocacy Center
North Macedonia
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 31,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 1,800.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 22,596.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
SGP Country office contact
Mr. Zlatko Samardziev
Ms Melita Ivanova
Majka Tereza 15/6
Skopje, 1000
Skopje, 1000
Visit the North Macedonia Country Page