Restoration of Ombupaori Earth-Dam and Rejuvenation of a Community: ?Harvesting rainwater to unleash untapped potential in a community barely making a Living and building COVID- 19 Resilience for Food Security?
To enhance the community resilience to climate change, as manifested in drying-up dams and many attended socio-economic challenges stemming from the hopelessness that?s beset that community, through harvesting higher grounds rainwater for livestock and wildlife consumption water reservoir; Horticulture gardening and hydroponics house for human food and livestock supplements security and income generation.
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Project Snapshot
Ombupaori Development Committee
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 50,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
Project Number:
Project activities completed, final reports pending
SGP Country office contact
Mr. Nickey Lazarus Gaseb
+264 61 431 7700
c/o Environmental Investment Fund Namibia, 8933 Heinitzburg Heights
P.O. Box 28157, Auas Valley, Windhoek, Africa, 9000
P.O. Box 28157, Auas Valley, Windhoek, Africa, 9000
Country Website
Visit the Namibia Country Page