Building Local Community Capacity for sustainable land management and food security
Building local community capacity for sustainable land management and food security
Project Brief Description: Lowland natural forest habitat are largely modified into agricultural. With the frequent cyclones
that damaged much of the coconuts trees and cattle infrastructures, the areas were abandoned and left vested with
weeds. The project will integrate science into traditional subsistence taro gardening and livestock rearing to improve land
productivity management for food security. At the same time reduce deforestation for new farming area.
Project Brief Description: Lowland natural forest habitat are largely modified into agricultural. With the frequent cyclones
that damaged much of the coconuts trees and cattle infrastructures, the areas were abandoned and left vested with
weeds. The project will integrate science into traditional subsistence taro gardening and livestock rearing to improve land
productivity management for food security. At the same time reduce deforestation for new farming area.
Project Snapshot
Vanmel Community Association
Area Of Work:
Land Degradation
Grant Amount:
US$ 35,833.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 12,300.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 23,750.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
SGP Country office contact
Ms. Leah Silas Nimoho
678 26034
678 26034
Ms. Sherryl Mahina Ulufia
SGP-Vanuatu, UN Joint Presence Office,Rue Mercet, Reserve Bank of Vanuatu 4th Level
PORT VILA, South West Pacific, PMB 9096
PORT VILA, South West Pacific, PMB 9096
Visit the Vanuatu Country Page