Kamaimai Coconut Project
Kamaimai Coconut Project
The project is about strengthening awareness with regards to coconut biodiversity/climate change, mainstreaming community farmers into coconut tree planting and extracting/processing of a traditional syrup from coconut nectar known as ?Kamaimai? . The process and the product itself is a good example of landscape approach that best fit the context of utilizing the resources in harmony together encourage inclusive growth, sustainable income, food security, environment conservation and more importantly to build a resilience community in the face of climate change moving forward.


1. To encourage landscape approach activities that supports both agricultural production and biodiversity conservation, working in harmony together to improve the livelihoods of rural communities.

2. To promote kamaimai (coconut syrup) production as one of the eco-agricultures for landscapes in the Solomon Islands rural communities.

3. To strengthen coconut farmers to manage their own coconuts as well as protect coconut palms at the community level.

4. To encourage knowledge exchange, skill transfer among farmers and young people.

Expected Outs are:

? Strengthening awareness of coconut biodiversity and climate change.
? Implementation of coconut tree planting for kamaimai farmers
? Extraction & processing of coconut syrup from the kamaimai farmers.

? Comprehensive understanding of environment impacts with particular attention to climate change, biodiversity, protection and strategic planning.

? Build more resilient community.

? Support livelihood of rural communities.


Project Snapshot

Natural Resources Development Foundation
Solomon islands
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 14,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
Project Number:
Project Terminated Before Completion

SGP Country office contact

Mr. Lorraine Bambu
Mr. Teiba Mamu


Joint Presence of UNDP, UNFPA & UNICEF, ANZ House Prince Philip Highway Ranadi.P.O.box 1954
Honiara, Pacific