Réduction de la pression sur les ressources halieutiques par le renforcement de l?Engagement Communautaire à l?Agriculture Biologique dans la Commune de MOUANKO
Réduction de la pression sur les ressources halieutiques par le renforcement de l?Engagement Communautaire à l?Agriculture Biologique dans la Commune de MOUANKO
Le projet de renforcement communautaire à l?agriculture biologique pour réduire la pression sur les ressources halieutiques. Et va contribuer à une réalisation organisée en composante : Composant 1 : Sensibilisation sur les techniques de pêches Responsable ; Composant 2 : Renforcement de l?engagement Communautaire à l?agriculture Composant3 : Gestion durable des déchets agricoles et communautaire et Composant4 : Autonomisation des communautés à travers l?agriculture Biologique.
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Project Snapshot

Family Green Corporation
Area Of Work:
Land Degradation
Grant Amount:
US$ 29,154.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 30,506.09
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Gender Focus
In the target community, both men and women and involved in fishing activities, with mostly men as manpower to get the fish and women to sell. However, with the increase in number of man fishing and women interested in selling activities it turns out more and more difficult especially during less productive periods. Agriculture on the other hand is an activity that can be carried out both by men and women, so everyone will get involved if approached the right way. Also, the protection of the Environment concerns each and every citizen, so both girls, boys, men and women will be trained on how to vaporize wastes and produce Biologic fertilizers.
Notable Community Participation
In this project, Youth will be involved in the whole process. They will be trained in the sustainable agricultural techniques; they will serve as manpower in the cleaning and protection of the damaged areas and also, they will be the educators of the fellow?s citizens that will get involved progressively in the project.
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Number of women participated / involved in SGP project 100
Hectares of land sustainably managed by project 200
Number of households who have benefited* from SGP project 200

SGP Country office contact

(237) 22 20 08 00/22 20 08 01


N° 1232 Immeuble Mellopolis, Rue 1794, Ekoudou, Bastos
Yaounde, Centre, 836