Promoting Community-based Zero Plastic waste management system in Krowor and La-Dade-Kotopon Municipalities
Promoting Community-based Zero Plastic waste management system in Krowor and La-Dade-Kotopon Municipalities
Within the Greater Accra Region, especially in the Krowor and La-Dade-Kotopon Municipality the single-use plastics, and poor disposal of plastic waste have created serious environmental problems. After use, the plastics are thrown away indiscriminately into garbage, recycling bin, open drains and in the wetlands. The storm drains and gutters within the municipalities are littered with plastic waste especially within the wetlands.

From our baseline study, it was observed that most common of the plastic wastes are ?single-use plastic? like poly bags, grocery bags, plastic forks and knives, water sachet, plastic bottles, take away containers, diapers, and plastic disposable cups, plates, and bowls. Indeed, most of the open spaces are littered with plastic waste whiles drains are choked with plastics. The effects of these are the continuous breeding of mosquitoes and excessive flooding anytime it rains. The environmental quality of the municipalities continues to deteriorate due to the staunch from the gutters.
Overall Objectives

The overall goal of the project is to change people behaviour from single use of plastics and to alternatives and build their capacities for the separation of plastic waste at source, and investment in producing alternatives to single use of plastics.

2.3.2 Project Specific Objectives

To create awareness and build capacities of local groups and communities to shift from the single use of plastic into alternatives like Paper (Recycled); Reusable Plastic, Cotton, woven and non-woven polypropylene (PP), and Jute.

To support the adoption of strategies, policies, and byelaws to avoid the single use plastics in the municipalities.

To build capacities of local investors (from communities and private sectors) to invest in the manufacturing of alternative bags to plastics.

The project will produce three outputs as follows:

Output 1: Capacities of two (2) Municipal Assemblies in the coastal, landscapes developed in integrated plastic waste management systems that encourages the citizens to shift away from single use plastics into alternatives, separate plastic waste as source, and avoid open burning of plastics.

Output 2: Two (2) Municipal Assemblies supported to adopt strategies, policies, and byelaws that minimizes the single use plastics in the municipalities.

Output 3: Support local entrepreneurs and social enterprises to invest in services that collect, and properly dispose of plastic waste and manufacture alternative bags to single use plastics.
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Project Snapshot

Friends of the Earth-Ghana
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 36,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 12,500.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 12,000.00
Project Number:
GHA /SGP/OP6/Y7/CORE/PLA/2022/01
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Inovative Financial Mechanisms
At community levels the strategy is standardize, capture, and disseminate the results, lessons learned and best practice; organize consultations, training and knowledge exchange between communities and other key stakeholders; support demonstration sites and knowledge centers around successful projects; inform, contribute, and influence local, regional, and national policy with the best practices of the projects in the three countries. The project will organize field days to showcase best practices. The knowledge management tools to be applied under this project are: Knowledge need assessment, mapping, and audits: the project will conduct a needs assessment to understand what information is the most valuable, how to capture it and how to disseminate it. Best practices: - the programme will continue to capture best practices at the local and global level, conduct case studies, and undertake publications and new media and sharing them at key national and international events and conferences. Coaching, mentorship, and peer assist programme: - the programme will encourage mentorship to capitalize on the knowledge of successful programmes to help train new grantees. Peer-to-peer learning: -the programme will facilitate peer-to-peer learning between local communities and past grantees as an effective method to share knowledge, help communities learn from each other and as a tool for replication and up scaling of best practices.
Capacity - Building Component
Poor plastic waste management at all levels. Increasing use of the plastic wastes are ?single-use plastic? like poly bags, grocery bags, plastic forks and knives, water sachet, plastic bottles, take away containers, diapers, and plastic disposable cups, plates, and bowls.
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Number of CBOs / NGOs participated / involved in SGP project 1
Number of CBOs / NGOs formed or registered through the SGP project 2
Number of women participated / involved in SGP project 50
Number of indigenous people participated/involved in SGP project 10
Innovative financial mechanisms put in place through SGP project 2
Number of households who have benefited* from SGP project 150
Number of individuals (gender diaggregated) who have benefited* from SGP project 200
WHO-TEQ (Toxic Equivalency)/year reduction into the environment or elimination of U-POPs namely Dioxins, Furans and PCBs (Poly-chlorinated biphenyls) through the SGP project 200
Reduction in the amount released into the environment or elimination of POPs through the SGP Grams/year of Hexachlorobenzene (HCB - C6H6) eliminated or release into the environment prevented 200
Number of local policies informed in POPs focal area 2

SGP Country office contact

Dr. George Buabin Ortsin
Ms. Lois Sarpong
+233 505740909


UNDP, Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme P.O. Box 1423
Accra, Greater Accra, 233-302