?Biosophia? NGO will develop its capacities for effective cooperation with state institutions, particularly through cooperation with RA Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrustructure. In addition, capacities in public cooperation, effective public engagement and participation in decision-making process, as well as in strengthening relationship and cooperation with state and community institutions will be also developed.
?Project Ideas? Database on Green Economy Development in Armenia? developed within the framework of the project will boost the exchange of best practices and knowledge directed towards green economy development, which may be replicated by private sector, communities, CSOs, SMEs and individuals.
Promoting Public Awareness of Global Environment
A series of various information and consultation meetings, sessions and capacity building events on project objectives, activities and outcomes are planned.
In addition, the ?Green Dialogue Platform? to be created during the project is actually a networking mechanism for stakeholder awareness and engagement, which will facilitate the linkages, cooperation and effective information exchange between Project personnel and stakeholders. The Green Platform will serve as an extensive public dialogue forum on political and technical discussions, consultations and information exchange and will aim to promote comprehensive awareness and participation of the stakeholders with regards to the development of the concept document on green economy transition expected in Armenia.
Significant Participation of Indigenous Peoples
Aiming to ensure participation and cooperation among all the stakeholders, the project will implement its activities in a way the state institutions, communities, business representatives, think tanks, CSOs and other stakeholders are ongoingly kept in touch; materials developed within the framework of the project are regularly shared, draft papers are discussed and participation in the training and other knowledge sharing events is ensured.
Inovative Financial Mechanisms
All the meetings organized and held during the Project will be documented and online meetings will be recorded. All materials developed with the framework of the Project will be disseminated among the beneficiaries both in printed and electronic versions.
The Project will facilitate elaboration of ?Project Ideas? Database on Green Economy Development in Armenia? containing examples of best practices and knowledge, which will be useful for large businesses, communities and CSO representatives, as well as both for individuals and SMEs.
The draft strategy of RA Green Economy will be presented to all the stakeholders for observations, recommendations and comments; the received opinions will be provided to sectoral experts for document review.
Gender Focus
During project implementation the engagement of women, youth and disabled people will be ensured. The planned green platform will create opportunities for political and technical deliberations, consultations and opinion sharing among broad public dialogue, which will promote comprehensive awareness and participation in the elaboration and implementation of green transition in Armenia.
Planning gef grant
Planning non gef grant
Project sustainability
Policy Influence
The Project?s aim is to support the process of policymaking in transition to green economy in Armenia through engagement of respective expertise and consolidation of efforts.
The Project is essentially geared towards elaboration of documents related to the green transformation of Armenia?s economy, which will result in vital changes in legal sectoral documents as well as in creation and development of the respective financial and organizational mechanisms and schemes.
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
The project does not plan direct actions towards the social-economic and livelihood improvement of the population?s current situation. However, transition to green economy will trigger changes in the economic and environmental sectors so that they have an essentially positive impact both on social-economic opportunities of the people, as well as on the quality of environmental components.
Policy Impact
The project envisages to have a direct impact on the process of transition to green economy in the Republic of Armenia through developing respective policymaking documents, which will bring essential changes to the legal documents, as well as to the formulation and development of respective financial and organizational mechanisms and schemes. ?Green Economy Roadmap?? or a strategy will be developed as a document directly impacting the economic policy of Armenia. It is expected to be approved by the government.
Linkages gef projects
The project is in line with long-term strategies of the GEF and will create basis for increasing global environmental benefits in Armenia, complying with Armenia?s international commitments under Multilateral Environmental Agreements, as well as achieving Sustainable Development Goals at country levels.
Notable Community Participation
The project will pay particular attention to youth engagement and participation while implementing project activities, since youth represent an interested and capable stakeholder network for applying new ideas and new ?green? approaches for country economic development.
Moreover, youth engagement in educational sessions and discussions prove to be more effective due to active and engaging participation, which is very crucial for the effective project implementation.
Project Results
It is expected to achieve the following results:
1. The draft ?Green Economy Strategy in Armenia? is developed, discussed by the stakeholders, finalized and submitted to the Government;
2. National public dialogue platform on promotion of green economy in Armenia is created, which facilitates deliberation and cooperation among state institutions and all the stakeholders;
3. State, regional, community, business, educational institutions and CSO representatives enhanced their capacitities in the field of green economy transition and sustainable development; information materials on green economy are developed in Armenian.