Food Resilience Through Community Farming
Food Resilience Through Community Farming
The proposed project explores climate resilient farming as a mechanism to improve food security by reducing reliance on food imports. It also introduces local backyard and small-scale commercial farmers to efficient, modern, eco-friendly farming techniques, and promotes the importance of healthier and varied diets to the beneficiaries of the BRCS Wheels on Meals program. The project provides an opportunity to address the following social and environmental issues.

i. Residents of The Bahamas rely heavily on food imports for food security. We aim to produce a functional demonstration farm on the grounds of the BRCS headquarters on JFK Drive that will be used as a platform for training backyard, small-scale commercial farmers, BRCS volunteers and BRCS youth programme participants as a means of improving food security.

ii. In our experience, very few local farmers utilize modern agricultural systems and technologies that increase the production of crops (vegetables, herbs), while using eco-friendly and climate-smart technology to reduce the environmental impact. We wish to reduce the impacts and occurrence of unsustainable and environmentally unfriendly farming methods by employing techniques such as Vertigo (Vertical Hydroponic System), Dutch Bucket / Bato System, raised garden beds, solar irrigation, and composting where feasible. These systems require less growing space and use fewer inputs than traditional farming methods. This results in water and energy conservation, pollution reduction and conservation of the natural landscape.

iii. The need for varied, healthier diets at lower costs for residents of The Bahamas to combat diet related diseases. The BRCS prepares and distributes approximately two hundred meals daily for its Meals on Wheels programme. Currently $6000 is budgeted annually for the provision of fresh produce for this programme. The BRCS is taking an innovative approach by seeking to grow produce on site. Preliminary discussions with the Ministry of Agriculture have determined that there is sufficient space on site at BRCS headquarters to meet our needs and to provide surplus goods for distribution to families in need, our primary stakeholders.

Project Snapshot

Bahamas Red Cross Society
Area Of Work:
Land Degradation
Grant Amount:
US$ 2,200.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 2,400.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed

SGP Country office contact

Mr. Deon Stewart


East Bay Street
Nassau, New Providence