Capacity enhancement for civil society groups to address environmental degradation challenges in Central Baddibou District
Capacity enhancement for civil society groups to address environmental degradation challenges in Central Baddibou District
This project aims to address environmental degradation in Central Baddibou District of the North Bank Region by building the capacity of CSOs in environmental management. The region is adversely affected by deforestation and land degradation which results in declining agricultural productivity. The effect of this on the population is food insecurity, raising poverty levels among households leading to urban migration by the youthful population.

Meanwhile, the demand for improving soil nutrient to boost agricultural production especially vegetable production is increasing while the resources to either buy or collect some materials is on the increase. The trajectory of project actions are well aligned to national policy priorities to address poor waste management, high rate of unemployment among young people, particularly youth in rural Gambia. Furthermore, low agricultural productivity from fragile ecosystem where women predominantly grow vegetable due to poor soil fertility and loss of natural habitat. The project is also relevant as well aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals like (SDG 2, 8, and 11) to reduce hunger, increase food security, improve environmental impact on lives and livelihood as well contribute to improve youth employment respectively.

Specific Objectives

? To build the capacity of 300 people from the project communities on environmental management for environmental restoration and livelihood enhancement.
? To promote the use of technologies that would contribute to reversing environmental degradation such as Energy saving stoves, tree planting in degraded landscapes.
? Build capacities in agroforestry especially on Alley farming to combat land degradation and address the issue of livestock feed and fuel wood crisis.

Project Activities
The following are the main planned activities, and where there should be sub activities, as specified in the approved work plan and budget.

1. Establishment of one central tree nurseries seedling of 10,000 seedling and tree planting exercise
2. Train 300 youths on nursery Establishment and Management
3. Purchase of 100 improving cooking stove and distributed to 100 households
4. Tree Planting exercise
5. Conduct step-down training for the identified communities
6. Train 100 farmers on cooking demonstration
7. Monitoring and Evaluation (Mid-term review and Final review and reporting).

Project Snapshot

Munyagen Society of Kerr Pateh
Area Of Work:
Land Degradation
Grant Amount:
US$ 10,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 50,000.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed

SGP Country office contact

Mr Kebba L Jarju


UN HOUSE, 5 Kofi Annan Street, Cape Point
Bakau, West Africa