NFR Food security through self reliance
NFR Food security through self reliance
The planning grant will further enable the organisation to increase their capacity and build out the farm using more smart technology to enable them to make more data informed and reliable farming information.

A full project proposal will also be developed at the end of the planning period.

Project Snapshot

Nature Fun Ranch
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 5,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 2,000.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
Project Number:
Project activities completed, final reports pending
Project Characteristics and Results
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
Because of the target market, most of the clients of NFR are unable to consume fresh produce and therefore their diet consists of processed foods such as canned products. NFR leadership is cognisant of the high incidences of chronic non-communicable diseases among the Barbadian population and increasingly so among our young people. Good nutrition is important for the physical and mental development of these youth. To meet this need, the ranch has been providing its clients with some of the fresh produce harvested to be used for themselves and their households. In addition to this, members have access to fresh produce through daily meals on ranch. The current global pandemic has shown the importance of NFR on the lives of the people it serves, and many young ranchers became more dependent on the ranch for food items. Further with the global food shortages, increase in inflation which reduces the capability of lower income families to access food-now more than ever must NFR be able to assist its community. NFR is located in Bruce Vale St Andrew, which is in the Scotland district of Barbados, which is prone to land slippage, NFR therefore works to enrich and preserve the soil. Climate change and youth development has played a significant factor in our decision to create our eco-farm at the same location as an at-risk youth facility, where at-risk youth get to see first-hand methods that are practical for waste-reduction, usage of alternative energy options and demonstrate sustainable farming methods using recyclable materials. Rancher get to learn and engage in STEM and agriculture while contributing meaningfully to their family?s ability to eat healthy foods. Due to global food prices and natural disasters, local and regional markets are primed to accept more agricultural produce making market entry much easier. The project will the organisation to quickly increase their production and offer almost immediate economic gains to their community and the organization.
Notable Community Participation
Nature Fun Ranch?s primary members are at-risk young people who may be susceptible to the drug and gang culture due to their urban environment. The Ranch offers a sense of belonging, provides a therapeutic environment through the interaction with nature and the animals. The skills learnt at NFR will aid in the employability of clients who can then move onto contribute positively to their households and communities.
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SGP Country office contact

Mr. David Bynoe


UN House, Marine Gardens, Hastings
, Christ Church

Country Website