Promoting the reduction of energy dependenceby installing photovoltaic systems, with a cumulative power of 86 kwp, at 5 public institutions in Telenesti city
Promoting the reduction of energy dependenceby installing photovoltaic systems, with a cumulative power of 86 kwp, at 5 public institutions in Telenesti city
The world is experiencing the first truly global energy crisis in history. And the situation is challenging in Europe, especially in Moldova, which is at the epicentre of the energy market turmoil triggered by Russia?s invasion of Ukraine. A planetary emergency and the pandemic have depleted the world?s natural resources and widened poverty and inequality. Rising costs of food and fuel, financial volatility, and complex global supply chain reconfigurations have vast implications for Moldova?s immediate and long-term sustainable development pathways.
The Republic of Moldova has no energy resources of its own and is practically completely dependent on imports of fossil fuels and electricity. Since October 2021, gas prices have increased significantly in the Republic of Moldova (the purchase price of gas increased from US$265/1000 m3 in 2021 to over US$2000/1000 m3 in August 2022). The unexpected excessive price increase caused a domino effect of rising prices in all areas, including electricity, increasing the level of energy poverty of the population. Continuous cost?s increase of the bill for electricity is going to have a severe pressure and negative impact on the quality of public services throughout all the country, because considerable financial resources from local budgets shall be directed to cover these expenses. It is necessary for the Republic of Moldova to diversify its sources of supply with natural gas and electricity, including from Renewable Energy Sources.
The proposed project is directly relevant to the Strategic Initiative 2: The co-benefits of access to energy with low carbon emissions, which targets the indicator - 100 KW of installed capacity of renewable energy from local technologies (e.g. based on photovoltaic and/or wind technologies of small capacities).
Also, it has an indirect tangent to other strategic and related initiatives of the GEF SGP OP7 Country Program 2020-2024, and covers the following areas of development:
1. Catalysing sustainable urban solutions;
2. Community-based adaptation;
3. Consolidation of social inclusion;
4. Monitoring and evaluation, as well as knowledge management.
Those which will contribute to:
? Decrease of energy dependence towards ?Gazprom?;
? Generating revenues and savings in the LPA?s budget due to the use of on-grid photovoltaic systems;
? Reduction of CO2 emissions in the atmosphere;
? Improving the living conditions of the poor population.
In order to increase the impact resulting from the implementation of the GEF SGP for OP7 2020-2024 Strategy on the environment but also on the final beneficiaries, we propose to the GEF SGP National Coordination Committee to approve the co-financing of the proposed project, namely "Promotion of the energy dependence? decrease through installation of PV systems, with a cumulative power of 86kWp, at 5 public institutions from Telene?ti town"
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Project Snapshot

AO Fondul de Inovatii Sociale din Moldova
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 30,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 111,739.57
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 235.61
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
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SGP Country office contact

Mr. Denis Parea
+373 22 839-876
+373 22 839-876


65 Stefan cel Mare Blvd., of. 511
Chisinau, MD-2001