Conserving and Utilizing the Environment Effectively
Conserving and Utilizing the Environment Effectively
The project intends to address the challenge of increased timber mining and cutting down of trees without any afforestation effort. There are increased gold mining activities being carried out by the community people and the gold mining companies who, in most cases, abandon the degraded soil without any means of replenishing it. Harvesting of forest trees for firewood, charcoal and timber production for various purposes has been indiscriminate because these actors are ignorant with little or no knowledge regarding its after effect. The current pace of these cutting down of trees for different purpose is highly unsustainable and a major driver of deforestation. This relates to global biodiversity loss, wildlife extinction of animal species, habitat loss, and increase in global warming, increase greenhouse emissions, flooding, drought, and the decline in life quality of people resulting to intensified poverty.

The project shall be engaged in improving community led biodiversity friendly practices and approaches and stakeholders engagement towards biodiversity conservation [Increase Awareness Raising on preventing deforestation and we shall be involved in mobilizing 2 affected communities to undertake afforestation ] Stakeholders will be engaged alongside with these actors [miners, farmers, timber loggers] to formulate a community environment policy as a led action for the protection of threatened and endangered species of animals and habitat. PeWoDO shall work with communities to plant 500 quick growing life trees and 15 hectares of swamp rice.

The overall project Objective is to improve the livelihoods and climate change resilience of rural farming households in Sierra Leone.

Specific Objectives:
1.To create awareness amongst citizens at large, especially farmers on the realities, effects and impact of climate change on productivity and subsequent household sustainability.
2.To contribute to addressing the multiple and combined impacts of climate change especially the anticipated modification of rainfall patterns and decreased water availability and increases in temperatures.
3.To increase farmers demand for improve climate smart Agriculture services including adapting farming systems, use of adaptable and drought resistant crops, land use patterns etc while, holding service providers accountable
4.To increase farmers productivity and income level while improving nutrition

Project Snapshot

Penguia Women Development Organization
Sierra Leone
Area Of Work:
Land Degradation
Grant Amount:
US$ 20,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 15,589.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Promoting Public Awareness of Global Environment
Communication strategy to promote public awareness on the prevention of deforestation and climate change are through shall be through. 1) Hosting public community meetings; we shall use musical set, flyers, handbills with project inscription on it 2) Indoor trainings/workshops ? we shall use notes and pamphlets 3)Training of youth farmers. (TOT); using T-shirts, posters, working gears and pamphlets 4) Door to door, community to community and school to school. We will distribute school materials such as exercise books with the writings ? STOP DEFORESTTION 5) Radio programs/jingles. Video shows of natural disasters due to human activities both national and international
Significant Participation of Indigenous Peoples
Indigenous people will be encouraged to establish nursery of fast-growing trees that timber loggers will be compelled to buy for replacing the trees that they shall cut.
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Number of CBOs / NGOs participated / involved in SGP project 250
Hectares of degraded land rest 100
Hectares of land sustainably managed by project 56
Number of households who have benefited* from SGP project 456
Number of individuals (gender diaggregated) who have benefited* from SGP project 3192

SGP Country office contact

Mr. Abdul SANNOH
