Enabling Quality Small Grants Programme (SGP) operations in Sierra Leone: CSOs Capacity Building on proposal development, project implementation and report writing.
The SGP projects are impactful and community driven but over the years, most of the hard to reach communities across the country have not had good access to the grant due to their poor capacity to articulate good proposals and adequately execute projects that they receive funding for. According to the several review of the SGP portfolio in Sierra Leone, all the sixteen political districts have benefited from the SGP programme during the past two Operational Phases. However, the level of access and the amount vary greatly from one location to the other with huge amount usually received by bigger and well established CBOs and NGO in urban areas while youth and women organizations in the most remote parts f the country enjoy a small fraction of the fund. Even the success stories of these projects have limited visibility in the media landscape as their communication strategy is either no-existence or very poor due to the weak capacity of these smaller Grantees. The content production and communication of their success stories are limitations to their very survival. The weakness hinders the ability of their local communities and organizations to access support from major donors, government institutions, and other development actors.
Based on the foregone challenges, Research Institute for Sustainability Transitions developed a capacity building for training and mentoring of SGP grantees with the Project title ?Enabling Quality Small Grants Programme (SGP) operations in Sierra Leone: CSOs Capacity Building on proposal development, project implementation and report writing.? The intervention hopes to progressively develop the capacity of current and previous SGP Grantees (CBOs and NGOs) through trainings and mentorship to enable them develop good proposals to attract funding and be able to communicate the results of projects through very good report writing.
Primary objectives:
The project aims to enhance quality proposal articulation for funding acquisition, project implementation and reporting by 50 current and past SGP beneficiaries by end of 2023.
Specific Objectives:
1.To train and mentor 50 CSOs (present and past SGP Grantees) on proposal development, project implementation and report writing.
2.To enable grantees demonstrate quality knowledge management.
To enable grantees demonstrate quality communication of project outputs for SGP visibility.
Based on the foregone challenges, Research Institute for Sustainability Transitions developed a capacity building for training and mentoring of SGP grantees with the Project title ?Enabling Quality Small Grants Programme (SGP) operations in Sierra Leone: CSOs Capacity Building on proposal development, project implementation and report writing.? The intervention hopes to progressively develop the capacity of current and previous SGP Grantees (CBOs and NGOs) through trainings and mentorship to enable them develop good proposals to attract funding and be able to communicate the results of projects through very good report writing.
Primary objectives:
The project aims to enhance quality proposal articulation for funding acquisition, project implementation and reporting by 50 current and past SGP beneficiaries by end of 2023.
Specific Objectives:
1.To train and mentor 50 CSOs (present and past SGP Grantees) on proposal development, project implementation and report writing.
2.To enable grantees demonstrate quality knowledge management.
To enable grantees demonstrate quality communication of project outputs for SGP visibility.
Project Snapshot
Research Institute for Sustainability Transitions
Sierra Leone
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 20,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 7,000.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 20,000.00
Project Number:
Project activities completed, final reports pending
SGP Country office contact
Mr. Abdul SANNOH
Visit the Sierra Leone Country Page