Capacity building on traditional practices in Sustainable Eco Farming climate resilient project
Capacity building on traditional practices in Sustainable Eco Farming climate resilient project
The project aims to build capacity of women from marginalized groups and youths by providing training on Sustainable Eco-Farming Model such as; sustainable soil practices, renewable energy usage and sustainable eco-friendly products like nanglo and tapari. The second aspect of the project also aims to create markets and linkages for the products that the project beneficiaries will eventually produce as a direct outcome of the project.

Project Snapshot

Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 30,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 13,554.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
Project Number:
Currently under execution
Project Characteristics and Results
Gender Focus
Identify and recruit disadvantaged women, marginalized group and youths for the capacity building programs and implement training and providing capacity development training for more than 200 women. Create space for production of various non-food farm-based products, which would be an application of the knowledge and skill transfer done through the capacity building programs. More than 50 indigenous women directly supported by Providing sustainable sourced raw materials for production of various eco-products such as leaf based, gundri, tapara and bamboo based Nanglo, dhaki etc.
Inovative Financial Mechanisms
The project is trying to marry the old with new, brining conventional knowledge to the forefront to the modern challenges of today. It becomes imperative that our learnings are captured, processed, and disseminated for easy access and understanding for the wider community and society at large. To ensure that there is proper management of the project learning we will be preparing monthly insights reports that stems from the monitoring and evaluation mechanism we will have in place. Apart from this we will also create an archive (with backup) of these reports (along with the monitoring & evaluation reports) and index them on a quarterly basis. Further we will publish a quarterly newsletter that captures the activities, learning and outcomes achieved throughout the previous quarter. Finally, we will create a social media presence, which in itself acts as an archive however providing AV resource as well. Having all these documentations and activities in place, we will be able to ensure that the project learnings and knowledge gained become an important asset for all stakeholders.
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SGP Country office contact

Mr. Vivek Dhar Sharma


UNDP, P.O. Box 107