Enhancing Katsho eco-camp to promote sustainable tourism through youth engagement
Enhancing Katsho eco-camp to promote sustainable tourism through youth engagement
Haa Dzongkhag is considered as a tourist destination and with the Dzongkhag?s Tourism Action Plan (Destination Haa) possessing untouched natural beauty that is strongly entwined with religious belief and traditions. Over the years, the number of tourists arriving, both local and international, has increased substantially. It is estimated that in the span of just six months, around 1200 to 1500 visitors have passed though the Katso eco-camp site. However, there are no equipped outdoor facilities like campsites in Haa, due to which most tourists visit Haa for a day trip from Paro and Thimphu. Furthermore, even the residents of Haa are traveling to neighboring districts to experience such hospitality. After studying these trends, we have realized the need to develop and provide such amenities in Haa to attract local and international tourists, as well as retain local residents from visiting nearby Districts.

Katsho Damto has an area of more than 30 acres, and half of the area serves as a water source for a stream located next to Katsho eco-camp, which is source for drinking water for communities down the valley including Haa municipal area. That wetland is also a feeding area for many bird species such as Red Billed Chough, Alpine Accentor, Snow Pigeon etc., and other wild and domestic animals throughout the seasons. So, it is seen as crucial to protect water reservoirs for the community, feeding areas for the birds and animals. The area has been left unpreserved by the community so far without knowing the sanctity of its presence. The people hiking through the Haa Panorama trail stop at that area to enjoy their lunch and snacks because of its exquisiteness. Those hikers and few cow herders residing nearby the area dump degradable and non-degradable waste all around in absence of proper disposal amenities. This may also lead to degradation of the site and pollute the clean water sources. The drying of groundwater in the area will have an impact on the food chain and moreover to the water sources.

Therefore, Katsho Eco-camp as a responsible entity aims to preserve an age long feeding area and one of the sources of water/watershed, while carrying out its sustainable livelihood activities. The conservation of wetland requires construction of log bridges, need of proper eatery and clean and reliable sanitation for the hikers. Katsho Eco-camp also has a plan to segregate the waste into three categories; recyclable (such as bottles), non-recyclable (edible plastic covers) and degradable waste (vegetables etc.). The recyclable waste will be re-used by Katsho Eco-camp in order not to add on environment pollution. The non-recyclable waste will be collected and deposited at the site identified by the local government. And the degradable waste once degraded will be given to the landowners as manure for cultivation.

Many of the elderly people within the community, people with disabilities across the country and tourists visit the hot stone bath that is believed to have medicinal value, although there has not been proper and well-maintained infrastructure. Except for tourists, it is difficult for other visitors, especially elderly and people with disabilities to arrange proper facilities to stay and cook while coming for a hot stone bath.

In addition, the government through the Haa Dzongkhag Administration had invested 1.5 million in constructing 12 kilometers of the Haa Panorama Trail. The initiative from the dzongkhag administration was carried out mainly to build tourism products in Haa, provide a sort of recreational hiking site and let the people enjoy scenic beauty of Haa. Besides hikers, the schools of Haa arrange hiking trips for their students to learn about different species of plants and birds along the panorama trail and eco-camp sites. The dzongkhag administration took the responsibility to build a panorama trail for the community. However, there is no adequate budget with the dzongkhag administration to keep the hiking trail alive. Moreover, if it is left in the hands of the community, lack of time, resources and perspective of long-term benefits, they might not invest in preservation of the trail. Therefore, to preserve and keep alive the trail perpetually, Katsho Eco-camp is established to shoulder that responsibility. In addition, one of the main reasons for Katsho Eco-camp?s establishment is to assist the dzongkhag administration in maintaining the tourism products in its entirety.

In addition to equity injection of Nu. 0.65 million and labor force contribution by the Members, the Bhutan Foundation has provided financial support of Nu.0.8 million to kick-start the project. Nonetheless, the fund is insufficient to put in place required facilities and therefore, additional funding support is inevitable to make Kasho eco camp fully functional.

Similarly, the dzongkhag administration had built an exemplary hiking trail for the benefit of the hikers and the community at large. However, there are no cafeterias or cozy places along the way where people can enjoy meals and snacks. People bring their own packed food or snacks, eat on the way and wrapping plastics and papers are the most beautiful garbage seen at the side of the trail. Moreover, without a proper rest room on the way, people enjoy shitting at every corner to unload, thereby polluting the pristine environment.

Human-Wildlife conflict (HWC) is one of the challenges to the land located beneath Katsho eco-camp due to which the landowners are forced to keep their land without any cultivation.. Having Katsho eco-camp adjacent to those lands will help in minimizing wildlife attacks thereby land owners would be able to utilize their lands judiciously.

Therefore, for the reasons stated above and to provide ?Rest and Enjoy with clean sanitation? hospitality to the hikers, Katsho Eco-camp has put in place a traditional outlook cafeteria cum dining hall, kitchen and store. The structure was built by using dead logs and burned trees to save our pristine nature. The full operation of eco-camp can only be commenced after establishing remaining infrastructures such as rest rooms, hot stone bath, camping and other recreational facilities. Once all the required facilities are put in place, Katsho eco-camp will offer employment to the community people and further extend the offer to the unemployed youths, thereby helping to resolve unemployment issues in the country. However, financial constraints have been a big challenge for Katsho Eco-camp. Therefore, Katsho Eco-camp would like to request for the following financial support from esteemed organizations to pursue our long-term vision in fighting climate change, preserving pristine environment and assisting in resolving unemployment issues.

The Katsho Eco-camp is eco-friendly project initiatives proposed by the Tourism laid off employees. The establishment is mainly aimed to fight for climate change, promotion of unique tradition and preservation of pristine environment. Solar power is pollution-free and causes no greenhouse gasses emission, reduces dependence on foreign oil and fossil fuels, and renewable clean power that is available every day of the year. Even cloudy days produce some power, and return on investment unlike paying for utility bills. Therefore, Katsho eco-camp is focusing on clean and renewable solar electricity for day-to-day operation of our facilities. In order to achieve the initiative, budgetary support from the esteemed organizations to Katsho Eco-camp has become inevitable.
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Project Snapshot

Katsho Eco Camp
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 20,940.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 2,269.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 1,363.00
Project Number:
Project activities completed, final reports pending

SGP Country office contact

Ugyen Lhendup


UN House, Peling Lam (Street), Kawajangsa, Thimphu, P.O. Box No. 162
Thimphu, Bhutan, 11001