Improving Rangtse Nye?s surrounding for environmental integrity and sustainability
Improving Rangtse Nye?s surrounding for environmental integrity and sustainability
Rangtse Nye became one of the most important attractions for the two remote southern Gewogs, Gakiling and Sombaykha under Haa Dzongkhag with increasing numbers of local pilgrims/visitors visiting the Nye every year, during the dry seasons.

The Nye is receiving a large number of pilgrims yearly and it is bound only to increase in the coming years. According to the local administration, 20 to 30 buses packed with pilgrims visit annually to the sacred cultural site (Nye). Due to poor waste management systems and disturbances to the natural environment, several environmental challenges are observed. There is littering, no segregation of waste in the first place and secondly, proper waste disposal sites are non-existent. Besides, cleaning tasks have to be initiated by gewog and Dungkhag staff involving community and school-going students on an erratic basis. Unfortunately, waste collected is being burnt instead of transferred to disposal sites, according to the Gup of Gakiling Gewog. There are incidences of flash floods occurrences of the seasonal streams and landslides which have adversely impacted the livelihood of the community.

It is also observed that the flora, fauna and eco-system of the Nye and its surroundings are being disturbed due to human activities, improper waste management and the burning of incense sticks inside the Nye. Around 16 different species of plants (Terminalia sp, Duabanga sp, Alnus sp, Sterospermum sp, Sterculia sp (villosa), Thysanolaena Maxima, Vischofia javanica, Betula sp, Quercus glauca, Macaranga denticulate, Rhus sp, Rhododrendron arboretum, Maesa Chisia, Amla (phyllanthus emblica), Albizia sp, Morus laevigata), 13 species of animals (Barking deer (Muntiacus muntjak), Sambar deer (Rusa unicolor), Bats (chiroptera sp), Macaque (monkey), Grey langur (Semnophithecus entellus), Sloth bear (melursus ursinus), Himalaya black bear (ursus thibetnaus), Indian crested porcupine (hystrix indica), Goral (Bovidae), Wild pig/boar (sus scrofa), Common leopard (panthera pardus), Tiger (panthera tigris), Martens (Martes Martes) and 13 species of birds (Great barbet (megalaima virens), Blue throated barbet (megalaima asiatica), Great hornbill (Bucerous bicornis), Rufous- necked hornbill (Aceros nipalensis), Kalij pheasant (lophura leucomelanos), Jungle fowl (gallus sp), Grey-treepie (drendrocitta vagabunda), White-Crested laughing thrush (Garrulax leocolophus), Blue whistling Thrush (Myophonus caeruleus), Rusty-cheeked scimitar Babbler, Common cuckoo (cuculus canorus), Large-hawk cukoo (hierococcyx sparveriodes), Wagtails (Motacilla sp) are found in and around the locality of Rangtse nye geographical area.

The project titled ?To Improve and Sustain the Environmental Integrity of Rangtse Nye's (Holy Cave) Surroundings, Haa, Bhutan? is relevant to the SGP country programme strategy in biodiversity and climate change mitigation. The project mainly focus on addressing waste which compromises the natural environment and venturing into innovative activities like the installation of solar energy at the service centre (at the base of Nye and Rangtse village) as a means to diversify the energy mix for achieving energy security at a local scale. It also target in curtailing biomass use that further contributes to reducing global warming. Conservation of the surrounding flora, fauna and eco-systems will be prioritized to enhance Nye?s ecology while at the same time inducing local capacity and management initiatives of youth who otherwise would migrate out in quest of better opportunities. The waste management effort and putting in place the sanitation facilities would further contribute in minimizing downstream pollution of the river bodies, such as Amo Chu.

The project activities are designed to educate the local community on the importance of protecting the flora, fauna and the eco-systems, so that the birds, mammals, plants species are conserved and protected, that would further contribute to conservation of the environment. The Nye is also frequented by the people of sourthen Bhutan to cure sickenss suffering other wise not cured by under going modern treatment as the ultimate refuge. There is also the proposal by the local government to connect the trail to other neighbouring cultural sites and lakes in promoting eco tourism.

It has been the usual practice that wooden planks and wooden ladders are used inside the cave to access the visitors from one entrance to another entrance of the Nye sites. The proposal to fix iron steel plates in place of the above wooden structures shall avoid annual maintenance and replacement. Therefore, the stress on the local environment is going to be reduced, thereby, the conservation is ensured for all times to come. The proponent strongly believe in re-adjusting of activites based on the recommendations of the monitoring and supervison team to respond and promote the ideals of the intergrity and conservation aspects of the project to bring out an impactful outcome.

The project is aligned with a government programme of fostering adaptation and mitigation initiatives contributing to the conservation of the pristine environment. This project, therefore, aligns with biodiversity conservation as well as the climate change mitigation interventions in fulfilling the criteria of SGP and the government, at large. Moreover, the project goals are aligned with the philosophy of Gross National Happiness, the developmental philosophy of our country. The capacity building on the youth group of the community is in the long run going to benefit in the preservation and conservation of the natural environment, which invariably contributes towards furthering the national objectives of conservation and mitigation on climate change.

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Project Snapshot

Organization for Youth Empowerment
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 49,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 7,570.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 23,480.00
Project Number:
Currently under execution

SGP Country office contact

Ugyen Lhendup


UN House, Peling Lam (Street), Kawajangsa, Thimphu, P.O. Box No. 162
Thimphu, Bhutan, 11001