BHAROSA "Bat Conservation Initiative at Chamere Gufa for Promoting Biodiversity and Supporting Local Livelihood".
BHAROSA "Bat Conservation Initiative at Chamere Gufa for Promoting Biodiversity and Supporting Local Livelihood".
The project aims to conservation of bat and its habitat also promoting bat cave based eco-tourism, promoting local entrepreneurships, organic farming and improving rural livelihood at Mulkot of Tulsipur Sub Metropolitan City-4. It also aims to empower and strengthen the resilience of women at the individual, household and village level by providing income-generating opportunities and strengthening food sovereignty.

Project Snapshot

Siddha Chamere Gufa Samrachhyan Samiti
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 37,438.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 60,000.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
Project Number:
Currently under execution
Project Characteristics and Results
Capacity - Building Component
Capacity building trainings and awareness activities at different level of community group. -School level 1.Providing quality learning opportunities in both formal schools and in non-formal schools and conducting awareness programme in different school about the conservation of bats, bee, NTFP and plantation. -Women Focused: 1.Conducting training programs for livelihood development. 2.Organizing training about development of homestay, handicrafts training, bee farming, goat farming, trout/kaliz farming. -Youth Focused: 1.Starting a small business with organic goods and tourism product. 2.Promotion of business in social media platforms. 3.Promotion of Selfie Park in social media platform as youth has more impact on social media. - Adult Focused: 1.Entrepreneurship 2.Promotion of Selfie Park in social media platform as adult has more impact on social media. - Specified Groups: 1.Organizing training programs to conserve local culture. 2.Managing water supply and sanitation 3.Cave management

SGP Country office contact

Mr. Vivek Dhar Sharma


UNDP, P.O. Box 107