Sustainable Occupation Extension and Community Development in Preparation for Climate Change Adaptation in Koksavang Village, Soukhoumma District, Champasack Province.
Koksavang village in Soukuma district, Champasack province consists of 117 families and 83 houses, and there are still many poor households. Livelihood in Koksavang village depends on NTFPs for food and income. Most people make a living from agriculture, livestock, and forestry. Arable land is affected by drought and erratic rainfall, leading to a food security problem in the community. The impact of climate change causes people to over-exploit forest products without protection plan, so the forest is getting more and more destroyed day by day. The project aims at sustainable of the community to adapt to climate change, provide employment to the community, and strengthen the community in a sustainable way, such as developing a modern village economy, organizing village cooperative groups by promoting effective agricultural techniques in the community and managing farmer groups as a system; protecting the natural ecosystem by restoring and enriching the destroyed forest areas, improving forest resource management at the village level; establishing a revolving fund within the village through the participation of women.
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Project Snapshot
Koksavang Village, Soukuma District, Champasack
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 25,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 3,000.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 833.00
Project Number:
Currently under execution
Partnership |
SGP Country office contact
Mr. Bounmy Phommakone
Ms. Vilaylack Tounalom
Lane Xang Avenue, P.O.Box 345
Vientiane, Asia & Pacific, Lao PDR
Vientiane, Asia & Pacific, Lao PDR
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