Rehabilitation of the Grand Anse Mahe Landscape and nature trails from invasive species & overgrowth for Environmental sustainability
Rehabilitation of the Grand Anse Mahe Landscape and nature trails from invasive species & overgrowth for Environmental sustainability
There has been an overgrowth of trees and invasive alien species along the road side of Grand
Anse from Solitude La misere all the way down to grand Anse Village to Grand Mart Shopping
centre and Pont Bayon at Barbarons. With the current changes in climate with more heavy rains
and strong winds trees there has been falling of trees causing road block. This have been
accompanied soil erosion down the terraces and in most cases the soil had ended on the road
affecting the traffic and the road itself. The fallen trees had also given way to alien species
overgrown. The overgrown of trees and invasive alien species had also affected some well loved
sites and trails in the districts namely the water fall trails and view points. For this reason, the
trails had become difficult to access and thus unsafe for visitors and locals. The project aims at
the removal of invasive alien species, trimming of trees, replanting of trees (beneficial trees) that
will prevent degradation of forest areas near the road and rehabilitation of trails and view points
in the districts. The project will also aim at enhancing eco- tourism and empowering the youth in
environmental education and conservation. In addition, the rehabilitation of the trail shall serve
as new green area for physical exercise for the post COVID 19 recovery initiative. The project
seeks to control invasive alien species at the road side landscape and invaded trails and view
points and rehabilitation with beneficial trees for a more sustainable landscape. Maintenance of
forest by removing exceedingly tall trees that cause a potential threat to the roads, trails and view
points for safer access.Enhance eco tourism and environmental education and conservation
among the youth and the community for a more sustainable environment and livelihood. The
project relates to the Community Based Threatened Ecosystems and species conservation and it
entails activities that will involve the community conserved areas and also the youth in the
community. The project will also promote green area for post COVID 19 green recovery

Project Snapshot

Grand Anse Mahe Environment Association
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 46,919.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 2,400.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 6,537.00
Project Number:
Currently under execution


Local Government, Forest Division

SGP Country office contact

Ms. Lyndy Bastienne


UNDP TECHNICAL OFFICE, First Floor Le Chantier Mall, Victoria
Victoria, Mahe