Certification and Improved Production Technology in Herbal Medicine for Biodiversity Conservation in Makala Traditional Area
The primary objective of the project is to ensure a sustainable supply of safe, effective, and affordable medicinal herbs approved by the state responsible agencies.
Specific Objectives
a. set up processing centres at Kanka fitted with a testing laboratory for the assessment of the efficacy of medicinal herbs and establishing dosage norms for the proper administration.
b. form a platform of traditional medical practitioners in the Banda district to be linked up with KNUST Pharmacology Department and get members registered and certified under Food and Drugs Authority certification system.
c. Develop a certified traditional medicine marketing structures to promote the sale of traditional medicine across the district.
Expected Outputs
Output 1: Bespoke extraction plant, boilers, vacuum driers and dispensing machines for fine emulsion and suspension acquired and installed.
Output 2: Platform of traditional health practitioners formed and linked to KNUST and FDA
Output 3 Members of the Platform registered and certified by FDA to produce and trade in traditional medicine.
Project Activities
Output 1: Bespoke extraction plant, boilers, vacuum driers and dispensing machines for fine emulsion and suspension acquired and installed.
Planned Activities
1.1 advertise and get a quotation for the supply of equipment.
1.2 Refurbish the factory office and prepare site for installation.
1.3 Install the equipment.
1.4 Pretest the operation of the machines.
1.5 Select and train local operators to maintain the equipment.
1.6 Collectively fix the prices to be charged during processing and extraction.
Output 2: Platform of traditional health practitioners formed and linked to KNUST and FDA
Planned Activities
a. register and organize the TM into a platform of tadeonal health practitioners.
b. Develop and agree on the constitution and get them registered.
c. Develop and put in place code of ethics to guide the management of the platform.
d. Conduct needs assessment and develop a training program.
e. Organize training for them according to their training needs.
f. Link group to KNUST and support to make the platform functional.
Output 3 Members of the Platform registered and certified by FDA to produce and trade in traditional medicine.
Planned Activities
a. Get the FDA to train all members of the TM.
b. Subject members to the FDA regulations and register persons who qualify.
c. Obtain license to operate for all qualified members.
d. Get the processing centre to be certified.
Specific Objectives
a. set up processing centres at Kanka fitted with a testing laboratory for the assessment of the efficacy of medicinal herbs and establishing dosage norms for the proper administration.
b. form a platform of traditional medical practitioners in the Banda district to be linked up with KNUST Pharmacology Department and get members registered and certified under Food and Drugs Authority certification system.
c. Develop a certified traditional medicine marketing structures to promote the sale of traditional medicine across the district.
Expected Outputs
Output 1: Bespoke extraction plant, boilers, vacuum driers and dispensing machines for fine emulsion and suspension acquired and installed.
Output 2: Platform of traditional health practitioners formed and linked to KNUST and FDA
Output 3 Members of the Platform registered and certified by FDA to produce and trade in traditional medicine.
Project Activities
Output 1: Bespoke extraction plant, boilers, vacuum driers and dispensing machines for fine emulsion and suspension acquired and installed.
Planned Activities
1.1 advertise and get a quotation for the supply of equipment.
1.2 Refurbish the factory office and prepare site for installation.
1.3 Install the equipment.
1.4 Pretest the operation of the machines.
1.5 Select and train local operators to maintain the equipment.
1.6 Collectively fix the prices to be charged during processing and extraction.
Output 2: Platform of traditional health practitioners formed and linked to KNUST and FDA
Planned Activities
a. register and organize the TM into a platform of tadeonal health practitioners.
b. Develop and agree on the constitution and get them registered.
c. Develop and put in place code of ethics to guide the management of the platform.
d. Conduct needs assessment and develop a training program.
e. Organize training for them according to their training needs.
f. Link group to KNUST and support to make the platform functional.
Output 3 Members of the Platform registered and certified by FDA to produce and trade in traditional medicine.
Planned Activities
a. Get the FDA to train all members of the TM.
b. Subject members to the FDA regulations and register persons who qualify.
c. Obtain license to operate for all qualified members.
d. Get the processing centre to be certified.
Project Snapshot
Hope Alive 360 Foundation
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 20,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 5,500.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 6,500.00
Project Number:
Currently under execution
Photo Gallery
Project Characteristics and Results
Inovative Financial Mechanisms
Hope Alive 360 Foundation would capture and document project results, lessons learnt, and best practices realized. The proponent would exhibit, share, and disseminate the results and findings to the communities, District Assembly, other CBOs/NGOs, and other key stakeholders in end of project review meetings. New knowledge would be peer reviewed and validated by the District Assembly (MoFA), Global shapers online community and GEF/SGP. Project results would be made accessible and available on the proponent?s website and other online platforms to allow knowledge sharing, learning and exchange to promote scale up impact as well as inform policy
Gender Focus
In the project area both men and women are involved in herbal medicine.
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Number of globally significant species protected by project
Hectares of globally significant biodiversity area protected or sustainably managed by project
Number of innovations or new technologies developed/applied
Number of local policies informed in biodiversity focal area
Number of national policies informed in biodiversity focal area
Number of CBOs / NGOs participated / involved in SGP project
Number of CBOs / NGOs formed or registered through the SGP project
Number of women participated / involved in SGP project
Number of indigenous people participated/involved in SGP project
Number of value added labels/certifications/quality standards received or achieved
Innovative financial mechanisms put in place through SGP project
Number and type of support linkages established with local governments/authorities
Increase in household income by increased income or reduced costs due to SGP project
Number of households who have benefited* from SGP project
Number of individuals (gender diaggregated) who have benefited* from SGP project
SGP Country office contact
Dr. George Buabin Ortsin
Ms. Lois Sarpong
+233 505740909
UNDP, Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme P.O. Box 1423
Accra, Greater Accra, 233-302
Accra, Greater Accra, 233-302
Visit the Ghana Country Page