Irrigation for resilience
Irrigation for resilience
Tegh community is located at the south-eastern border of Armenia. Local population used to cultivate neighboring arid lands for decades. However, as a result of the recent military crisis, most of the farmlands were lost that affected the living standards of the population. In addition, some 250 families were displaced and found refuge in the community who need more resources to ensure their subsistence. Now the community has to rely on limited land resources and look for irrigation to start high value crop production.

The project proposes the construction of a complete irrigation system for Tegh settlement of Tegh community, which consists of a pumping station equipped with solar panels, a pumping pipeline to the upper part of the village, repair of the reservoir and a gravity distribution network. Work with beneficiary farmers, support for the transition to sustainable, high-value agriculture is also planned.

The construction of an irrigation system is a complex project that includes also co-funding from state subvention, the Embassy of Lithania, USAID Improved Water Management Program. The irrigation system will allow to make a transition to high-value agriculture, to irrigate additional 300 hectares of farmland. As a result, around 200 households will have the opportunity to improve their social situation by receiving advice and irrigation to practice sustainable agriculture.

The project will have environmental and social impact as it will prevent degradation of land though application of sustainable agriculture methods and irrigation and will enhance local population?s opportunities to increase their income.

Project Snapshot

Urban Sustainable Development Foundation
Area Of Work:
Land Degradation
Grant Amount:
US$ 25,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 238,010.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 10,700.00
Project Number:
Currently under execution
Project Characteristics and Results
Gender Focus
As most of men in the community are involved in military service, agricultural work in all settlements of Tegh community is mainly done by women. They are responsible for farming and looking after the cattle as well as marketing the produce. Lack of water makes their work yet harder and less rewarding. As a result the project implementation, irrigation will become available for households, which will provide an opportunity to run the economy more efficiently and provide greater income from the available land. About 20 families displaced from Artsakh, comprising mostly of women and children, are also among beneficiaries, who will also take advantage of the created infrastructure.
Notable Community Participation
Due to the high rate of unemployment, youth tend to leave the community. To address this issue, the project will strive to engage the community youth in the project implementation process to create employment and income generation opportunities for them. Youth will be involved in earthwork and rehabilitation activities; at the same time they will be involved in operation of solar panels and get a hands-on knowledge about renewable energy use. Simultaneously, it is planned to raise public awareness of global environmental issues through practical training and information sharing, with special attention to reducing indifference among youth and schoolchildren.
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Number and type of support linkages established with national government institutions 1
Hectares of degraded land rest 300
Number of households who have benefited* from SGP project 200

SGP Country office contact

Ms. Svetlana Harutyunyan
+374 60 530000+117
Ms. Marine Sargsyan
+374 60 530000+187


14 Adamyan St.
Yerevan, 0010

Country Website