Enhancing Soil, Water and Crop Management Practices for Improved Agricultural Productivity and Food Security in Moyamba District, Sierra Leone
Enhancing Soil, Water and Crop Management Practices for Improved Agricultural Productivity and Food Security in Moyamba District, Sierra Leone
The proposed project shall seek the development of rural agriculture through the implementation of sustainable soil, water and crop management practices in degraded agricultural lands in selected mining communities in Upper and Lower Banta Chiefdoms in Moyamba District. Based on the recently published land degradation report by UNDP (study conducted by SLARI), forest and soil degradation form the most significant impacts of mining in Moyamba District / The recent land evaluation study conducted by SLARI revealed that, forest and soil degradation form the most significant impacts of mining in Moyamba District (UNDP, 202?). This has resulted in the loss of arable land and vital ecosystem services, such as water supply and soil protection. Crop yields are on the decline due to declining soil fertility and reductions in water supply for crops / The yields of major food crops including rice are declining due to declining soil fertility and limited water supply during critical growth stages of these crops. Thus the main objective of this project is to optimize the productive potential of degraded lands through ecological restoration, carbon-neutral irrigation schemes, and effective soil, crop and post-harvest management. Specifically, the project is expected to achieve the following results:
a) Restoration of select degraded farmlands
b) Improvement in soil fertility in select farmlands
c) Establishment of solar-powered irrigation schemes
d) Increase in water availability and length of growing season
e) Increase in crop growth performance and economic yield
f) Reduction in harvest and post-harvest crop losses
g) Increase in household incomes and food security
h) Enhanced capacity of target farmers in sustainable agriculture
The primary objective of this project is to contribute to sustainable soil, water and crop management for improved agricultural productivity and food security in communities affected by mining activities in Moyamba District. This shall be achieved through the following specific objectives:
I.To propose and test sustainable soil and water management practices
II.To propose and test efficient in-season crop management practices
III.To propose and test efficient harvesting and post-harvest management practices
To build farmers? capacity on land restoration, irrigation, crop, and post-harvest management

Project Snapshot

Sierra Leone Agricultural Research Institute
Sierra Leone
Area Of Work:
Land Degradation
Grant Amount:
US$ 45,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 52,558.10
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 29,021.80
Project Number:
Currently under execution

SGP Country office contact

Mr. Abdul SANNOH
