Sustainable access to potable water supply for affected vulnerable community households on the lagoon side in southern part of Makin mainland.
Climate change has affected the ground water for St. Eritabeta community turning it into a brackish water which is not ideal and safe for drinking. The community had been residing on a brackish water for such a long time and the access to the portable freshwater has been a long issue for villagers.
The ground wells in this section were brackish and unsafe for drinking, however, toward the center of the island the fresh water lens is abundance and a source of potable water for affected households but they have to manual carry the heavy water buckets daily some 100 meters distance for the closest households.
The objective of the project will establish a water reticulation system with potable water supplied from the center of the island through the overhead tank 10,000 liters capacity pumped from the gallery well using the solar pump and gravity distribute the water along the pipe mains to 12 distribution tanks (3,000 liters) equally distanced in the affected community cluster houses. One distribution tanks will serve 6 households in proximity or a maneaba or motel with easier access to the tank outlet taps
The ground wells in this section were brackish and unsafe for drinking, however, toward the center of the island the fresh water lens is abundance and a source of potable water for affected households but they have to manual carry the heavy water buckets daily some 100 meters distance for the closest households.
The objective of the project will establish a water reticulation system with potable water supplied from the center of the island through the overhead tank 10,000 liters capacity pumped from the gallery well using the solar pump and gravity distribute the water along the pipe mains to 12 distribution tanks (3,000 liters) equally distanced in the affected community cluster houses. One distribution tanks will serve 6 households in proximity or a maneaba or motel with easier access to the tank outlet taps
Project Snapshot
St. Eritabeta community
Area Of Work:
Community Based Adaptation
Grant Amount:
US$ 49,900.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 51,386.47
Project Number:
KIR/CBA 3/2023/03
Currently under execution
SGP Country office contact
Ms Taouea REIHER
UN Joint Presence Office, Kabutikeke
Bikenibeu, Tarawa
Bikenibeu, Tarawa
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