Preservation of traditional salt field associated with community tourism in Pho Thanh ward, Duc Pho town, Quang Ngai province
Preservation of traditional salt field associated with community tourism in Pho Thanh ward, Duc Pho town, Quang Ngai province
Overall objectives/activities to be implemented under the grants: Preserving traditional salt fields,
promoting Sa Huynh culture, and developing community-based tourism.
Specific objectives:
Objective 1: Raise community awareness of the importance of protecting salt fields, minimizing waste,
and maintaining mangrove ecosystems.
Objective 2: Preserve and develop Sa Huynh's traditional salt-making practices, while promoting
traditional cultural values related to environmental protection and mangrove ecosystems.
Objective 3: Transform Sa Huynh into a destination showcasing traditional salt-making, a
community-based learning tourism destination that connects Sa Huynh culture and ecosystems

Project Snapshot

Farmers' Union of Pho Thanh ward
Viet nam
Area Of Work:
Community Based Adaptation
Grant Amount:
US$ 50,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 53,856.00
Project Number:
VNM/CBA 3/2023/02
Not active yet

SGP Country office contact

Ms. Huyen Thu Thi NGUYEN
(84 24) 38500150
(84-24) 37265520
Ms. Ngoc Bich Kieu


One Green UN house, 304 Kim Ma district
Hanoi, 100000

Country Website